Help find what is wrong with pea suddenly watery white stool & not energetic.

Your poops:

My poop

I think they look very similar. Keep in mind that he could also have a respiratory infection, but the metronidazole probably won't work for that.

I use AVIOZOLE/ Ronidazole POWDER I got mine from Dr. Brown.
For the treatment of canker of (frounce) in pigeons, raptors and other small caged birds and animals. Not harmful to young birds and safe to use during the breeding season. Treatment: One teaspoon per 1 gallon of water for 3- 5 days. Prevention: One teaspoon per 1 gallon of water for 1-2 days. Safe to use during the breeding season for pigeons. (This product contains Ronidazole B.P. Vest 25% M/M, excipinets 75%.) One hundred gram size makes 28 -30 gallons. (Powder has a three year shelf life.) This product can be used for treating other small birds and animals, and we suggest that you contact your veterinarian first to make sure of the correct dosage to use for each bird or animal, cat, dog or bird before using this product. 632 Aviozole Powder.(100 gram bottle). I put it in the water and hope he is drinking. I also put VetRx in the water.

I will keep them on lock up for at least 4 or 5 days so that is the only water he can get to. I will also start my other peas that he never had contact with tomorrow as a precaution.
I usually see improvement after 2-3 days of metronidazole (fish-zole, flagyl, meditrich) if it's just blackhead, but often they also have a secondary infection that needs other medication. The medicine you have should be effective in treating blackhead if he drinks enough. Hope he gets better!

Thanks he is such a nice pea. My customers love how he greets them and they can get within a few feet of him. Everyone loves him, well except for one miserable neighbor. All other neighbors LOVE him. I am praying for him.
Thanks he is such a nice pea. My customers love how he greets them and they can get within a few feet of him. Everyone loves him, well except for one miserable neighbor. All other neighbors LOVE him. I am praying for him.

Let us pray; ~~May those who love us, love us; and those who don't love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping.”
Thanks he is such a nice pea. My customers love how he greets them and they can get within a few feet of him. Everyone loves him, well except for one miserable neighbor. All other neighbors LOVE him. I am praying for him.
So am I.

Tempting, very cute.. but I will have to pass since then I could not get to gloat over it because:
Proverbs 24
17Do not gloat when your enemy falls;
when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice,
18or the Lord will see and disapprove
and turn his wrath away from them.
...And we don't want that to happen :).

When she has company they come over and are in awe of him I bit my lip and did not tell them she dislikes him. Some people miss the beauty in life I guess.
Thanks so much. Well this evening I went in about an hour or so ago and he was actually up on a perch and then he flew across the room to another spot and later I saw him eating some food. Haven't seen the stool today yet since for the time I was in there this morning he was just laying around on the floor but I am encouraged as he is definitely more active now! Do the meds work that fast or is it the prayers? I think maybe a little of both. I will keep you posted. I haven't heard anymore noises but I will go listen again a little later and in the am. You guys are the best!
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