Help find what is wrong with pea suddenly watery white stool & not energetic.

What are the doses on those I may have both of them but it is very hard getting to pick him up and I have no helpers.
I have tylan 50 and maybe LA 200 not tylan 200 so then what is the dosage please if I think he still needs it? Also I have been putting VetRx in his water and he is looking a lot better than this weekend. You guys are making this such an interesting and informative post! Also how often would you say to treat as a preventative for blackhead?
The Tylan 50 dose is four times that of the Tylan 200 dose. For example, if you use 1ml of Tylan 200 (200mg), then you would use *4ml* of the Tylan 50.
FYI, ml = cc. Make sense?

Tylan does not treat blackhead. Your best preventative is routine worming with a wormer that kills cecal worms.


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