

Nov 11, 2019
Our prize winning Jersey Giant Rooster has been quite sick. It started a week ago with him just having a weak crow. Then he began gasping and shaking his head. He developed a cough/sneeze the next day.

We have given him Tylan 50 and VetRx and neither seem to be working. He is breathing very labored but is walking around and acting somewhat normal.

We finally brought him in and put him in a room where eee could see if he was eating and drinking. He’s not doing much of either.

We have given him Nutradrench yesterday and today but he’s just really congested..

Anyone who can HELP US?? We’ve followed everything a vet has offered. It is NOT gapeworm. I have a video of him from 3 days ago:

His poop is normal but he looks horrible. He’s only 13 months old and weighs 10 lbs.
I almost sounds like something is actually blocking his throat You said he is not eating but is his crop full? In the video his crow is so weak i think it might just be him trying to breathe.
How can I tell if there is something in his crop?? His throat and esophagus has a small lump in it but my husband swears that’s normal??
That small lump is his crop? feel it, if it's mushy and feels weird, along with a bad odor from his mouth it's sour crop. If it is hard it's most likely normal.

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