Help!!! found cockatiel

OOh! Thanks for taking him in! I cant believe he landed on your shoulder! THats so sweet!
MAybe put an ad on craigs list saying you found him?? If he flew to your shoulder it means his people must have spent alot of time with him and they must miss him.
At least hes safe with you right now..
I am so glad you are going to keep her if you cannot find her rightful owner
This summer I looked outside and saw a yellow parakeet on the tailgait of my truck. I tried to catch it, but it flew away- and I never seen it again. I hope it found it's way home, or someone as nice as you (who COULD catch it) because if not, it will surley die in the cold, Iowa winer.
Cockatiels may be one of the most underated caged birds. They are very sweet little creatures - and smart. I'm glad you are keeping her safe. Good luck with her! Is she the original, normal grey?

Ice Berg lettuce does not cause just has little to no nutritional value.
I have always fed my birds coleslaw made with cabbage and no problems. It is specifically ICE BERG lettuce. It will cause severe diareah and possibly death.

Really? I always read lettuce is just fine, even given my Cockatiel some with no side effects
. Well anyway, better safe than sorry
Hi I lost my big bird “cockatiel” on Aug 29 from Anderson Calif. His wings were not clipped and can fly up to seventy miles a day. He is very friendly and is extremely vocal. He says I’m a mamas birdie, prayer time, amen, come fly to mama, good morning sweetheart, and his name and more... he also whistles the Andy Griffith theme and the wolf whistle, he will fly to your shoulder if you say come fly to mama big bird. if this bird sounds like my boy please contact me at 530-357-5137 thank you respectfully Mrs. g. I am also offering a reward for my boy’s safe return home. Please help me find him my heart is terribly broken. You can contact me also at [email protected]. Thank you so much for your time.

Cockateils requre a good well balanced diet. I feed mine, two beans for example aztec and any other small bean no pinto beans its too gassy for him or her. Three types of veggies carrots, squash, peas, three grains, wheat, barley, and rye, also rice is good, fresh garlic, a fruit, and supplements such as red palm oil for the feathers and weight management, flax seed, and kelp powder and only small drops of this supplement in their mash. This keeps your bird extremely happy and cockatiel seeds always. You want to cook the grains and beans and than mash up in a processor with a little bit of water that appears kinda like baby food. You can take all the fruits veggies and everything else and blend them up all together with the beans and grains. Good Luck and God Bless.
Hi,I am missing my cockatiel which has been gone since 8/28/09.They can fly far and I have a post on craigslist which you can see by clicking on the following link:

Craigslist is a really good way to network.I would DEFINITELY put up a post and write exactly what you posted on here.Just NEVER,EVER feed it avocado,chocolate,spicy or anything caffeinated.They can eat people food and love sweet tasting things.You can pick up a cockatiel diet(seed) for pretty cheap.Glad to hear you are taking good care of someones pet and remember someone is out there looking for their beloved bird.Another good website to post on is
People post lost and found cockatiels everyday on there.
Thanks for the work your doing for the bird and good luck in finding the owner!
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Hi,I am missing my cockatiel which has been gone since 8/28/09.They can fly far and I have a post on craigslist which you can see by clicking on the following link:

Craigslist is a really good way to network.I would DEFINITELY put up a post and write exactly what you posted on here.Just NEVER,EVER feed it avocado,chocolate,spicy or anything caffeinated.They can eat people food and love sweet tasting things.You can pick up a cockatiel diet(seed) for pretty cheap.Glad to hear you are taking good care of someones pet and remember someone is out there looking for their beloved bird.Another good website to post on is
People post lost and found cockatiels everyday on there.
Thanks for the work your doing for the bird and good luck in finding the owner!
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