help! Help! Help! I'm freaking out!

One day of not drinking won't seriously cause dehydration without added factors like serious heat with zero access to water and diarrhea.

You can make an electrolyte solution as follows to combat dehydration. But unless you provide the right nutritional balance, she is slowly dying, Chicken feed and all other commercially available pet feeds are formulated to meet the specific needs of that species.
I only have one chicken, she's 7 months. She lives indoor just like a dog lives in doors, I have an in door dog and they became best friends so I didn't want to split them up. She's never laid an egg, I suspect dehydration because she wasn't drinking her water all day yesterday! She was eating wild bird seed but I switched to cracked corn. She's drinking water this morning but she's not eating her food! She's pecking at her food but not getting any seed down her throat. She's just sitting still, but she's been asleep all night so something has to be wrong

Ok first you need to get her chicken feed, as she is probably sick because she does not have any nutrients in her at all. You can not just feed corn to a chicken it is not healthy at all especially when she is mature up to laying eggs.
2nd she need at least a run and a small coop, she could be sick because she is not getting the exercise, sun, and climate she needs.
3rd you need at least 2 chickens. They don't do good alone. She may be depressed which is making her not want to eat or drink.
And if you do all this she will be fine but you at least HAVE to get her chicken feed
  • 2 c. Warm Water​
  • 2 tbsp. Brown Sugar, Honey or white sugar​
  • 1/2 tsp. Salt​
  • 1/2 tsp. Baking Soda​
Mix ingredients together and swirl until ingredients have dissolved. If you have a baby or toddler in the house, you can add a few drops (3-4) of their Polyvisol vitamins (A, B, D). Keep solution refrigerated. This solution can be use full strength or diluted.

If you use baby vitamins, NO iron
I volunteer at a poultry rescue and more often than you think I see depressed birds and to me that sounds like what you have...
A few weeks ago I had a small production red hen come in that was not eating no matter where you put her or what you gave her, I took her under my personal care and she started to perk up when she was with my young super friendly Cochin hen. After 3 days she started to eat and I was able to get her in with the the other chickens at the rescue
Okay I definitely going to get another chicken, but I have no idea what type of chicken feed to get her
Nice rare breed!

Brand does not matter as long as it contains close to 20% protein and not more than about 1% calcium. I have not heard good things about a brand called Dumar (I think).

Any "flock raiser", "all flock", or unmedicated "starter" will work well.

I am so glad I ask what's being fed. It isn't just you, lots of people are misinformed and I am glad you are open to the sincerely good information you are getting!

@ChickenMomma14 does have good points. But nutrition IS going to change the life of your bird!
Okay I am going to get chicken feed right now, also is pedialyte okay to give her?! Cause I read to do that so I gave her a little
I volunteer at a poultry rescue and more often than you think I see depressed birds and to me that sounds like what you have...
A few weeks ago I had a small production red hen come in that was not eating no matter where you put her or what you gave her, I took her under my personal care and she started to perk up when she was with my young super friendly Cochin hen. After 3 days she started to eat and I was able to get her in with the the other chickens at the rescue
It's amazing what a little friendship can do. Seeing the other birds doing natural stuff also will help her to feel more happy and productive I am sure! Good for you for volunteering! I used to volunteer in the rehab department at the zoo. We had more raptors and wild birds (bob cats & stuff) since it was only for Ca native animals at the CALM, Ca Living Museum. A wonderful experience.

Okay I definitely going to get another chicken, but I have no idea what type of chicken feed to get her
Introducing chickens is not always the easiest thing to do. And you will want to make sure you are getting a pullet not a roo.

You may have to adjust to her sleeping outside with her friend, I promise 2 house chickens although fun won't be that much fun. It will free you and her both up to do more enjoyable stuff because she is 100% dependent on you for her social interactions right now. Also I sincerely recommend quarantine when bringing in a new bird so you don't end up with a mystery illness as symptoms might not be showing yet and they need time to develop some immunity to the bacteria in your ground as well.

If you need a specific suggestion, Purina Flock Raiser is what I am currently using. I don't claim it to be the best but it does appear to be acceptable. Good luck!

You will want to keep any extra seed, cracked corn, fruit and veg, mealworms (a chicken fave) to under 10% of the total diet in order to not dilute the nutrient load of the feed.

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