Help I am loosing baby guineas left and right!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Burlington NC
I hatched out from my incubator 11 baby guineas.They are almost 2 weeks old. They are in the house with a light on them. I have been hatching and raising birds for 20 years and I have lost a few here and there, but never like this. Yesterday one got puffed up and 30 min later his neck was turned under ( not back) and started gasping, and could not get up and died 10 min later. All the other guineas were fine. About 2 hours later another one did the exact thing. Another one about 2 hours after that one Exact same way.. All had been eating and drinking great. So I lost 3 yesterday. This morning all looked great, then a couple hours ago i lost another one the exact same way. They had been on sou then states starter feed before they started getting sick. I switched there feed to dumor turkey starter 2 days before they started getting sick, That's the only thing i could think of, I switched them back but I am still loosing them. When I switched feed I mixed half and half, i have never had a problem with this in the past. I have had birds necks turn back but never under. Please help!!! Brandy
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