HELP! I am now mama to 17 duck eggs and lost as can be...

Update: I had to toss 2 eggs they were just starting to stink. They were 2 of the 3 I was thinking were bad. I did open the top just enough to make for sure and the smell told me all I needed to know. I could tell that ducklings had began to at least grow though.I have 13 left now! I think 12 are looking great and seeing movement. One has a spot that is dark I am watching. I think I was wrong about the pip before to be honest. The air sacs are huge and I can see then pulling on something or pushing up on something.Is that what they have to break through to pip? I see the beaks on about 4 really good but it isn't in the clear art. That was what I saw the other day on that one. So I am guess not knowing for sure what to look for I was wrong. You can see the shells woble from time to still but I don't hear much. I do think this morning I hear something very faint on one but not sure. No I haven't bought one of those things yet


I have had to make an unplanned trip to GA (about 4 hours away from my home in Tenn.) So yes I and my 3 girlss burnt up all the way here keeping the eggs warm.Oh what a trip it was. If I have just one make what a miracle it will be!!! I have faith and somethings we have no control over. I am so shocked there were no change in any of the eggs after the trip
I know this was risking but I wasn't willing to stop now. I know I will have ducklings soon...

The things I get my self into...if you were just a fly in the car you would have laughed so my 3,10 &14 old girls (hubby is working) heat on in the GA heat and eggs up front with me
Update: I had to toss 2 eggs they were just starting to stink. They were 2 of the 3 I was thinking were bad. I did open the top just enough to make for sure and the smell told me all I needed to know. I could tell that ducklings had began to at least grow though.I have 13 left now! I think 12 are looking great and seeing movement. One has a spot that is dark I am watching. I think I was wrong about the pip before to be honest. The air sacs are huge and I can see then pulling on something or pushing up on something.Is that what they have to break through to pip? I see the beaks on about 4 really good but it isn't in the clear art. That was what I saw the other day on that one. So I am guess not knowing for sure what to look for I was wrong. You can see the shells woble from time to still but I don't hear much. I do think this morning I hear something very faint on one but not sure. No I haven't bought one of those things yet


I have had to make an unplanned trip to GA (about 4 hours away from my home in Tenn.) So yes I and my 3 girlss burnt up all the way here keeping the eggs warm.Oh what a trip it was. If I have just one make what a miracle it will be!!! I have faith and somethings we have no control over. I am so shocked there were no change in any of the eggs after the trip
I know this was risking but I wasn't willing to stop now. I know I will have ducklings soon...

The things I get my self into...if you were just a fly in the car you would have laughed so my 3,10 &14 old girls (hubby is working) heat on in the GA heat and eggs up front with me
You sure are dedicated I have to give you that. and happy to hear they are still going strong. yes they have to break through the membrane which is called internal pip, after they do this they will rest and it can take as much as 24 hrs to external pip. Kinda like being in labor isn't it.
Glad to hear they're still kicking! I wouldn't worry too much about how quiet they are. Ive hatched tons of ducks in my incubator that I keep in my room and I often only hear them a few times before they hatch. Here's a good picture of an internal pip, in case you're still not completely sure what to look for. If you can see their bills they have internally piped.

Also, I`m not sure if you've seen this article yet, but it is full of very helpful information. It can be a little gross, but its defintally worth it.

If you're keeping the temperature between 98 and 100F then the main thing I would be worried about is the humidity. If its not high enough, they wont be able to get out of the egg. Since it looks like they have started internally piping, I would say they are probably ok for now, but I would still add a wet sponge or two to increase the humidity if you havent already. What kind of box are they in? Also, if its fairly easy to post a picture, it might be helpful to see what you've set up for them.

Come on little duckies!
Update: I had to toss 2 eggs they were just starting to stink. They were 2 of the 3 I was thinking were bad. I did open the top just enough to make for sure and the smell told me all I needed to know. I could tell that ducklings had began to at least grow though.I have 13 left now! I think 12 are looking great and seeing movement. One has a spot that is dark I am watching. I think I was wrong about the pip before to be honest. The air sacs are huge and I can see then pulling on something or pushing up on something.Is that what they have to break through to pip? I see the beaks on about 4 really good but it isn't in the clear art. That was what I saw the other day on that one. So I am guess not knowing for sure what to look for I was wrong. You can see the shells woble from time to still but I don't hear much. I do think this morning I hear something very faint on one but not sure. No I haven't bought one of those things yet:(


I have had to make an unplanned trip to GA (about 4 hours away from my home in Tenn.) So yes I and my 3 girlss burnt up all the way here keeping the eggs warm.Oh what a trip it was. If I have just one make what a miracle it will be!!! I have faith and somethings we have no control over. I am so shocked there were no change in any of the eggs after the trip:bow  I know this was risking but I wasn't willing to stop now. I know I will have ducklings soon...

The things I get my self into...if you were just a fly in the car you would have laughed so my 3,10 &14 old girls (hubby is working) heat on in the GA heat and eggs up front with me:lau

Wow you are doing such a great job. My husband and I have gone to great lengths to save baby squirrels. It takes a lot if devotion but the reward is worth it. I have enjoyed following your story. You are teaching your girls so much about compassion through this!
They are just in a carboard box with a towel. If they don't have enough humidity can they not inernaly pip or is it the externaly I need to worry about? I see about 5 beaks but you can tell they are pushing up on something. I have a water dish in there. From the 2 I opened today the eggs themself looked real good and moist. Granted they were dead but I am talking about the top of it and it wasn't hard for me to open the egg. I will go read that link you posted now. Thank you all so much for following this. We are so very excited. If I am only able to just save one I feel it was not all in vain. I hope to have more. All the air sacs on all 13 eggs are very bright white then just below they are a really light orange.
Yay!! I`m so glad to hear that they are piping internally! Really want your babies to hatch! I would say that the humidity will be the biggest problem after they externally pip, but I`m not completely sure. The water dish should defintally help increase the humidity. I'm hoping that it and the regular water mistings will bring the humidity up enough for them to hatch. The only other thing I would say is that baby ducklings can potentially drown in water(especially if they are really week from just hatching), so if you can cover the dish with wire or put a sponge/wash cloth in it to prevent them from getting in the water, it would be a good idea.

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