Help I need to make my chickens neck stronger , she has wry neck ......


7 Years
Dec 18, 2012
I have a 2 year old silkie mix I believe she is a silkie because she has 6 toes ,, but anyways. She has had wry neck for three months now she can eat and drink on her own while I am holding her. When I put her back in her cage her neck goes right under neath of her even when she walks, Its terrible, I took her to the vet and they charged me up the ying yang to look it up on this website.The medicine they gave me did not work, but before I took her to the vet I was giving her the vit e gel pills and poly vi sol seems to be doing good for her. But she wont hold her head up I even give her b12 vit in morning. Also give her yogurt she loves that. she loves bread too. I need a neck brace that is strong enough I have tried styrofoam tubes that goes on pipes to keep the pipes from freezing and plus toliet paper rolls . I dont know what to do... I cant keep feeding her everyday like this i am to busy with college and work I just need to at least get her head going so she can drink and eat in cage without me holding her and go from there getting her strong. Even when she goes to walk her head goes straight down even when I have a neck brace on her .anyone have any ideas about getting neck stronger ? I put stuff on her neck and she walks back works and gets tangled up or some how gets it off her . I dont want to do something to strong that she will choke herself with ..It just makes me nerves putting stuff on her neck for the night and going to bed. . Any ideas let me know . This is really crazy I have had chickens for 11 years and I have never seen this.


here is a picture that the vet took of her she looks a lot better then that but this is the example of her neck when she is down.


Also she will have her butt up in the air and spin around in circles sometimes . I really like this chicken I WANT TO HELP HER !!!!
do you think it could be Merke's disease? Either way I believe the B12 helps both. Give it to her everyday for a week, then everyother day for a week. I had a hen suddenly unable to walk, it took two weeks to get her back. I used the vit b & e. Merke's causes all kinds of neurological problems. If necessary the vet can put her to sleep with an injection to the thorax(chest), it was quick and cost 30 dollors here. Good luck

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