Help!! Is my chicken a rooster..?


Jul 26, 2016
Hi, I'm new to posting so bear with me here..

I have 4 chickens that are 11 weeks old.

One of them made an (attempted) crow this morning, but I'm not sure which one.

I'm new to chicken keeping so if anyone could help identify if this little one is possibly the culprit.

She's the only one with the comb..

Thanks in advance for your replies.
Hello I'm new to chickens I just bought my first chicken eight months ago and I might be another one and my neighbor gave me a rooster I'm going to attach a picture I need to know what the black one is what kind of breed it is and how much do they sell four thank you

Welcome to both of you..yes that first one is a very handsome boy!

Second photo..a frizzle. Sell a rooster? Good luck, unless, someone may want that particular breed for breeding. :p He is cute. :)

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