HELP. ive got bloody poop... WiTH WORMS in it!

Ok yup so that means .25 ml per bird and given once and then again in ten days.
Is that right? And do I have to throw out the chickens eggs for a certain amt. Of time?
SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer or horse paste is fenbendazole. It can treat many worms in chickens. Dosage depends on what worms you are treating. Dosage is 0.25 ml given once and in 10 days for roundworms. Give it orally for 5 days, and it will test hard to treat worms such as gapeworms, capillary (thread) worms.

Wait a sec....

@Eggcessive For the paste, is it .25 or .25 per pound?

I think I've used the latter dosage.... Hope I didn't overdose them...
It is per pound.

Fenbendazole is dosed by weight regardless if it's in liquid or paste. It's 0.25ml per pound of weight given orally once, then repeated in 10 days for roundworms only.
Give for 5 days in a row if you want to treat most worms that chickens can get including Roundworms, but excluding Tapeworms.

Personally, I would treat for 5 days in a row - but that is up to the keeper.

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