Lady Clucks-a-Lot
I have a small flock of 5 (and three 2 days to 4 months old chicks) and one of them is a Gold Laced Wyandotte. In the past, we used to just let them free-range in the entire yard, but now, since that we've built a patio and they keeps pooping on it, we had to put them in the coop with a small run and Runner, my Gold Laced Wyandotte seems to be much more sleepy after moving them in it. But all of my other chickens seems fine and still as cheerful as can be, but Runner just takes naps and sleeps a lot and doesn't even come out to greet me anymore with the other chickens. Yes, she would still go for breads and beat other chickens to it and will try getting the dragonfly we caught for them (not the little dragonflies, the big ones). She is still laying, but a now only 3-4 eggs per week (she used to lay 5-6 eggs per week). Is she sick and how should help her? Any help would be appreciated :3!