Reiki Rooster

8 Years
Jun 27, 2015
Demorest, Georgia
Hello, I am adding to my flock, I have 4 buff Orpingtons hens and want to add to them. I’m wanting to get 2 maybe 3 more breeds, dual purpose and attractive. I’d really like diff color eggs blue, dk brown anything but white. Any suggestions would be a huge help! I’m overwhelmed since my husband said get what I want lol thank yous for you time
You described easter eggers to a T. Not only do their eggs come in a huge variety of colors but so do their feathers.

In addition, I always recommend Salmon Faverolles for anyone looking for dual, they lay light pink to cream eggs and are sweet as can be. The roosters get to be really chunky and the hens lay like crazy.
Welsumers are beautiful, friendly, and lay speckled brown eggs. Marans and Speckled Sussex are also pretty, dual purpose birds (and Marans lay chocolate colored eggs!).

Ameraucanas and Legbars lay blue eggs but are fairly uncommon. Easter Eggers can lay green, blue or tan eggs and can be any color pattern. They are also really friendly!
Ausgralorps are the sweetest, most mellow chickens you can find in my opinion, BUT not good to add to a flock! Because they will be bullied and not stand up for themselves because they are so docile.
Brahma and Australorps are my two choices beside orps :)

Someone else can probably recommend other color layers :p
If you're really wanting colored eggs, Easter Eggers are probably the way to go. Getting a few Easter Eggers will add tinted green, blue, or pink eggs to what you already get. They're primarily egg layers, although they could be used for dual purpose.

For dual purpose birds, I love Plymouth Rocks. They come in a bunch of different colors, but my personal favorite is barred (Probably the most common) and Silver Penciled (More rare).

Laced Wyandottes are also dual purpose and look very nice. They're also known for being very friendly. They lay brown eggs
For dark brown you can go with pretty much any Maran breed, or Langshans. I think those are both dual purpose. I think that Ameraucanas are technically dual purpose, but most know them as egg layers...I think they're a good hardy fowl for blue eggs, though they can be flighty.
Hello, I am adding to my flock, I have 4 buff Orpingtons hens and want to add to them. I’m wanting to get 2 maybe 3 more breeds, dual purpose and attractive. I’d really like diff color eggs blue, dk brown anything but white. Any suggestions would be a huge help! I’m overwhelmed since my husband said get what I want lol thank yous for you time
I really love my bantam Cochins. Great personalities. Eggs are small but honestly bigger than I expected. Eggs are cream and light brown in colour.

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