Help Me Name My Fish!!! *Img Hvy*

Goldfish can live 20 years and grow huge given the proper conditions. Not trying to be a downer, but im gonna be honest and tell you that tank is too small for that many goldfish
They're cute tho:D
What about prince Caspian, for the beta, like the sea.

Those are some beautiful goldfish

makes me want to buy a tank and set one up.
Beautiful fish. I've always wanted a black moor. Love the crown tail beta too. I'm not very good with names though since most my pets are named "fish" or "color hen"

But I too don't want to be a downer but 10 gallons 4 fan tail types and a sucker fish, depending on the type of sucker fish is highly overstocked. Gold fish and plecos (one of the most common sucker fish that are just a few bucks) are HUGE waste producers and if the tank is new (uncycled), nitrates will shoot up line none other and do them in quite fast. Might want to look up "fishless cycling" if you haven't cycled your tank. For every inch of final adult body size not including tail, figure at minimum 1 gallon of water. At most I'd keep 2 fan tails in a 10 gallon. I kept one comet and one fan tail in a 30 gallon and had a 200 gallon per hour marineland filter on the side to keep up with the wastes. Don't believe the company and change filters every month, you need the beneficial bacteria. If you need to clean the filter, run both together for a few days first. The fan tail was about 3 inches in body length and the commit got to about 10 inches before central air quit, tank reached about 80F and both died because I couldn't keep them cool (they are cold water fish). Some show bred fan tails have been kept for upwards of 80 years when kept in prime conditions.

Good luck with the fish! They are fun, almost as fun but not quite as chickens. For sure an expensive hobby with little return. They don't make eggs to eat!
I have just visited both provided sites and am SHOCKED at how misinformed I have been. I specifically asked the "fish man" at the petstore about how many fish I could fit into my tank and he said 6-10! I thought I was providing ample room. So what now? I most certainly cannot afford to go out and buy an enormous tank, at least probably not until after several months of saving.
And even then I cannot think of a really great place to put it. Hoo boy I really did it this time. Are they unhappy do you think? Would they be OK for a few months while I save up? Dang it. Luckily, I was at the fish store when you all were posting, and didn't really like anything I saw, so I did not buy any new fish. I guess when all is said and done and I get an enormous new tank (
) I can get Prince Charles some ladies and put him in the 10 gallon. :thun Anybody want to fish sit for me? LOL.
Breeding Betas can be difficult and tricky. You have to be careful because if the conditions aren't PERFECT the male and females will kill eachother. I HIGHLY suggest you do a TON of reading on breeding Betas. It is an art.

Most people think they are like regular fish but this is wrong. The male and females will fight almost as harshly as two males. Male and females have to be kept seperate just like all the males until the PERFECT moment.

You can keep multiple females together. But males must be kept completly seperate from their own kind. Also, male Bettas make bubble nests regardless of their intent. Making a bubble nest does not mean, it's time to breed. Are you sure it is a nest or just a layer of bubbles? If you look up info on breeding Bettas, their actual nests are quite large, probably more than that bowl will allow.

Also, the 6-10 rule would apply for fish about an inch long. Like your guppies, danios, and tetra.

Sorry about your misinformation. Maybe you could take a few of the Goldfish back to the store for a refund and explain that you were misinformed by the "fishman."

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eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! I was thinking the same things as chirpy after i read your post but i also see that you just didnt know! and now you are feeling frustrated! dont fret. your little fish family will be just fine until you can save up for something new! they can grow quickly but they arent monsters- it will take time. your best bet isnt getting something huge, just add another 10 gallon your your zoo and spit them up. no reason to go broke. you will just have to get a good filter and gravel sucker and clean more often! sadly, we forget that giving our pets lavish homes is not what they need. rather, they thrive on cleanliness, food and lots of informed love! you will do great!
Most pet stores are mis informed and just want to make a buck by selling set ups and fish. Kind of like baby chicks that are so cute and fluffy when little. I've known a few people who have bought a cute little common pleco... and then later learn they need about 125 gallon tanks and grow to 24+ inches long! For small tanks, a bristle nose pleco or otos are good, but do be careful that you don't get sold a common pleco or a chinese algae eater instead, as those get large, and become predatory respectively. It's very easy to impulse buy a fish but don't worry, we all start somewhere.

If your tank isn't cycled, might consider maybe returning a few in the mean time or keep doing lots of water changes till the water stats are level. The general liquid test kits that are about 30 bucks should last a few years and are great for keeping tabs on the water quality of the tanks. You can keep regular fish in those plastic kiddie pools outside if the pool is large enough and doesn't get too hot in the day. Some of mine live in out door pools.

They can survive in a small tank, just not the best for them and increases the work you have to do to keep them alive. It can also stunt their growth. Yes fish "grow to the size of the tank" as I've heard many a person say, but it's like wearing a shoe too small, your foot will fill it up and stop growing.

Here's an easy to read article on cycling the tank.

I don't believe the "bacteria" in bottles work since with shipping and so on, they mostly die before you can get them in the tank. If you know anyone with a tank now, just ask to borrow some filter media and that can jump start the bacterial growth in your tank!


Careful about guppies! They are live bearers and soon you'll have too many fry to deal with if the tank mates don't gobble them up.
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Hey, this is Thief, lil bro signed me out. Sorry.

No, my tank is not cycled, but we do have a kiddie pool outside that shouldn't get too hot... I will have to ask mom first, but I am sure after I explain she will be fine with keeping them in there for now. I do have an algea eater, but I have no idea what kind.... It is about three inches or so long right now.... What does a Chinese Algea Eater look like? I don't have time to read the article on cycling right now because I have to rush off to work, but I will do that later this evening. Thank you guys for setting me straight! My fishies will thank you!

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