Help! My 3 day old chick has something wrong with his leg!


Sep 10, 2019
My chicks have recently began hatching from the incubator and this one chick (my mother has named “Gimpy”, and is now 3 days old) seems to have trouble with it’s left leg. It can move the upper leg/thigh however, his knee joint seems to be swollen and stiff. You can extend the leg to a certain point, but after that the joint locks up and the chick screams in pain. The toes on that foot are curled up too. It seems just as healthy as the others. It moves around sliding on its belly and pushing with the good leg. Does someone have an answer??
It could be slipped tendon. Here's something to try. It won't hurt the chick.

Hold your left hand out, palm up, fingers toward the right, in front of your chest. Lay the chick's belly in your left hand, feet pointing back toward your body, overhanging your pinky finger/palm. Grasp the feet and legs between your right thumb and forefinger. Slowly lower your left hand and let the bird dangle for just a few seconds. Twist your wrist outward, and the bird's reaction should be to lift its head/chest/body upward toward your hand. (keep your hand under, but not touching, and don't drop her! lol) When it does, you can re-grab the body. This will sometimes "reset" a slipped hip or knee joint.
It could be slipped tendon. Here's something to try. It won't hurt the chick.

Hold your left hand out, palm up, fingers toward the right, in front of your chest. Lay the chick's belly in your left hand, feet pointing back toward your body, overhanging your pinky finger/palm. Grasp the feet and legs between your right thumb and forefinger. Slowly lower your left hand and let the bird dangle for just a few seconds. Twist your wrist outward, and the bird's reaction should be to lift its head/chest/body upward toward your hand. (keep your hand under, but not touching, and don't drop her! lol) When it does, you can re-grab the body. This will sometimes "reset" a slipped hip or knee joint.
Awwwwwww, so cute! Maybe a little vitamin B would help him, to!
Where would I get Vitamin B?
It could be slipped tendon. Here's something to try. It won't hurt the chick.

Hold your left hand out, palm up, fingers toward the right, in front of your chest. Lay the chick's belly in your left hand, feet pointing back toward your body, overhanging your pinky finger/palm. Grasp the feet and legs between your right thumb and forefinger. Slowly lower your left hand and let the bird dangle for just a few seconds. Twist your wrist outward, and the bird's reaction should be to lift its head/chest/body upward toward your hand. (keep your hand under, but not touching, and don't drop her! lol) When it does, you can re-grab the body. This will sometimes "reset" a slipped hip or knee joint.
I just tried it and that knee is still locked in place.

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