Help! My Chickens Quit Laying1


11 Years
Mar 27, 2008
Camas, WA
We had a population of 12 hens, all of which were great layers. They used to be free range, but due to predators we had to close them up, and they still were laying great. Then we decided to get 4 new chickens and when we did that we also got a new larger coop - one with two sides. It doesn't have as much roost room but still, good laying.

In the last couple of weeks when we were getting 8-10 eggs a day from our original 12, we are now getting 3-4. 2 of the new chickens are laying every day, they are in their own section of the coop as one of them was getting pecked badly.

Any ideas on why we have this sudden switch? And will we ever be able to let the 2 chickens that are separated in with the general population, or will the one always be picked on?

Thanks so much! We've only had our original 12 for a year now, and they just started laying over the winter when we put a light in the coop for cold weather (which I have since found out here in the chat room was unnecessary). Thanks again!
Are you sure they're not laying somewhere hidden? like outside of the nest boxes?

Put some fake eggs into their nest boxes -- that helps.

Check around the new nest boxes -- maybe there's a snake or something they don't like about them?

Good luck!
I'll look in there and see. Our blue egg layers are the ones that basically quit. We get one every other day or so now, and we have 7 of that type of chicken. We were getting 5-6 a day out of them! I'm bummed....
If you are sure they are not laying somewhere else you can add some crushed red pepper flakes to their feed to stimulate them into laying. I don't know why it works but its always worked for me

As for the pecking, It will take some time but it should stop fairly soon, the birds you started with have built up an order of dominance and it will take a few weeks for the new birds to find their place.
Thank you both for the advice. Should we let the 2 black orpingtons out then? One of them was getting pretty beaten up, poor thing. I was wondering if introducing these new birds might have something to do with it?

I will definitely add some pepper flakes to the feed. Any idea how much?

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