HELP! my dog ripped some of my chicken's skin off!

I'm sure others will chime in but many people on BYC use a small dog crate and keep it in the coop. This allows the injured or sick chicken to be in the companionship of their flock mates but provides a barrier so that the other chickens (or rooster, in your case) don't intentionally or unintentionally aggravate the wound/illness. Sometimes healthy chickens will attack a sick or injured chicken which is why it is important to separate them.
I'm sure others will chime in but many people on BYC use a small dog crate and keep it in the coop. This allows the injured or sick chicken to be in the companionship of their flock mates but provides a barrier so that the other chickens (or rooster, in your case) don't intentionally or unintentionally aggravate the wound/illness. Sometimes healthy chickens will attack a sick or injured chicken which is why it is important to separate them.
ok thank you so much for helping me i love my chickens so much so this is very helpful!

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