Help!! My duck is hurt!


Aug 26, 2019
Earlier today while I was at school my dog attacked the ducks. They are all fine and don't have any cuts or punctures of any kind but Im very worried about my Pekin Emperor. He is limping pretty badly and looks like he's having trouble moving it. I checked and it didn't look or feel like anything was broken. Could it just be hurting him from running so much with how heavy he is? Is it possible he dislocated his leg? Im more than happy to give pictures or any more info for you.
Have you examined the leg top to bottom (from hip down). If you check both sides you might be able to feel it if dislocated. Your dog may have jumped on your drakes back. Or chased him and he injured his legs possibly a sprain. No matter what it is your drake is going to need rest to heal.
Have you examined the leg top to bottom (from hip down). If you check both sides you might be able to feel it if dislocated. Your dog may have jumped on your drakes back. Or chased him and he injured his legs possibly a sprain. No matter what it is your drake is going to need rest to heal.
I just examined him again and slowly felt up and down and it didn't feel like anything was out of place. No blood no swelling it looks and feels normal he's just limping on it pretty bad. Is there anything I can do to help him with his recovery?
Keep him from over doing, rest is important also swim time where he can have pressure taken off his legs just make sure to help him in an out. I’d also get some b complex it’s great support for weakness in ducks legs. You can get liquid at TSC or tablets and crush. Put over some kind of treat he really likes so he gets full dose. 1 ml 2x a day of the liquid. You can try letting him soak in a tub of warm water with Epsom

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