Help My Pekin duck is bleeding from her vent. Corid doesn’t seem to work.


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2022
Hi my 1year old female Pekin duck Cheeseball is bleeding with clear discharge out of her vent. She is not moving and eating for 2 days. We gave her corid having thought that she had coccidiosis however later my husband and I noticed the blood was not mixed with her poop but comes after the poop with clear slimy discharge.(please check the photo below) We are now not so sure if we are dealing with coccidiosis or egg bound. The local avian vets are not available, please help!


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When a duck is egg bound, they often pump their tail and pant. If think it is possibly egg bound, I would treat her for it because the treatment won't hurt even if she is not egg bound. You can try and feel for an egg, but you can't always feel them depending on their location. To treat for egg bound, give her calcium. You can use calcium gluconate, which is available at TSC. It say injectable, but you just give it orally 1ml. Calcium citrate is another you can use, which can be found at a local pharmacy. If you have nothing, you can use tums in a pinch.

Here is how to give drugs orally:

The big worry is she hasn't been eating or drinking and will need have water tube feed to her otherwise she will die from dehydration. Sugar water or Gatorade would be best. I wouldn't do food, because that could make things worse.

Here is a link on tube feeding:
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Let's see if @Miss Lydia @WVduckchick or @shawluvsbirds have any suggestions.

Can you feel an egg inside her vent?
Have you noticed any worms in her poop?
We just checked her vent and think there is an egg. 2 days ago, we also saw an undeveloped egg(soft shell/rubbery shell) hanging out of her vent. She’s in a warm bath now and we’re feeding her crushed oyster shells. Do I need to tube feed her if she’s not eating? She hasn’t eaten for almost for 3 days.
When a duck is egg bound, they often pump their tail and pant. If think it is possibly egg bound, I would treat her for it because the treatment won't hurt even if she is not egg bound. You can try and feel for an egg, but you can't always feel them depending on their location. To treat for egg bound, give her calcium. You can use calcium gluconate, which is available at TSC. It say injectable, but you just give it orally 1ml. Calcium citrate is another you can use, which can be found at a local pharmacy. If you have nothing, you can use tums in a pinch.

Here is how to give drugs orally:

The big worry is she hasn't been eating or drinking and will need have water tube feed to her otherwise she will die from dehydration. Sugar water or Gatorade would be best. I wouldn't do food, because that could make things worse.

Here is a link on tube feeding:
She hasn’t shown any signs of pumping her tail, probably from previous attempts and exhaustion before we found her. We are more confident we have the right diagnosis (egg bound) now that we checked her vent. Fortunately she’s also been drinking the probiotics so shes not dehydrated. We will try the calcium recommendations tomorrow if the crushed shells don’t work. Thank you so much!
We just checked her vent and think there is an egg. 2 days ago, we also saw an undeveloped egg(soft shell/rubbery shell) hanging out of her vent. She’s in a warm bath now and we’re feeding her crushed oyster shells. Do I need to tube feed her if she’s not eating? She hasn’t eaten for almost for 3 days.
That is great you are giving her a bath. That can help pass eggs. I keep her in the bath as long as she will stand, an hour plus is best.

If she is drinking fluids, I would not worry about tube feeding. But if she is not drinking, she is going to need fluids. If she is blocked with an egg, and you force feed her, the food may have nowhere to go depending on how she is egg bound. So when say I tube feeding, I am not suggesting food at all, just fluids.

If you have or can get one of the other calcium forms, I would give that instead. It will absorb faster. I would give it twice a day and continue it after you duck lays her egg until she no longer has soft shelled eggs. It can take up to 24 hours for them to pass the egg.
@ThreeHappyDucks how is she doing today?
She seems to be a bit more alert but still not eating. The crushed shells didn’t work yesterday - she did not lay an egg. We finally picked up some calcium citrate and KY Jelly this morning but when we went to apply the KY to her vent, I could no longer feel the egg 3 inches in. I checked her lower abdomen which looks and feels flat. I no longer believe she has a bound egg. Good news is there seems to be much less blood but her poop is still runny. Im thinking we put her back on corid and try force feeding her food?
That is good that she is more alert. I would still give her the calcium since she had a soft shelled egg, and you can't always feel the egg. You may have felt something else. If she is defecating still, you could consider force feeding.

The mucus could potentially be a sign of a bacterial infection, but it is hard to say for sure.

@Miss Lydia do you have any other thoughts on this one?

@Isaac 0 knows a ton about birds, but I am not sure if he has been around lately.

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