
Oct 2, 2019
My female king quail’s back legs seem to be paralysed. She cant seem to move them, and if I flip her onto her back she is unable to roll back over, so i think her hips/lower spine are affected as well. She also doesnt seem to be using her wings much to escape, but she can use them. I noticed when i went to clean their water, she was acting normally, but when i grabbed the bowl, she got startled and flew straight up, hitting her head and back on the top of the enclosure. Its not the first time she or any of my others have done this but its the first time something this bad has come of it. Some people have said that its best to leave them for a few days because they might heal, but if she wont heal, then i dont want to leave her suffering that long.
She also has a much more panicked and dramatic reaction if i touch her hips compared to anywhere else, which would imply that not only can she feel it, but that it hurts. Could and injured hip cause leg paralysis, and if so, is that likely to heal?
Thanks in advance
Update: nevermind guys. I checked back on her and she she was struggling to breathe. She died about 10 mins ago...
A friend suggested it could have been Mareks disease, but its been almost a month and none of my other quails have had any symptoms, plus she didn’t have any skin lesions or eye problems. Its really contagious, so I’d think that at least one other quail would be showing symptoms, but they seem fine

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