HELP!!! need advice

Barn Mama

In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 17, 2012
Danford Lake, Quebec Canada
I have had 2 hens die on me in the past 3 months with the same symptoms......standing on roost ``trying to crow`` like , neck stuck way out ???gasping??? and then 30 min later dead???? I have been giving them apple cider vinager in thier water, giving them fruits and veggies also yoguart and soured milk...I am trying not to give them medication..... so I am I at the point I need to start give antibiotics? my other hens seem fine but my other 2 seemed ok too but I was wrong...... oh and it wasnt the croop.

If I do start them on antibiotics (Tetracycline) how long do I have to wait to eat thier eggs and how long till I can incubate them?
What chicken feed are you feeding them? How old are they? It sounds like they have something stuck in their throats, and die from suffocation.
I would try giving them Coconut oil, and Coconut milk. I wouldn't use Olive oil, because its too thick, and may clog their throats even worse.
So I spoke to a vet today, and she said that its most likely NOT gapeworm, because of the fact that its to cold for parisites to live on the ground or in a she thinks its some kind of resp. problem.

Does anyone know if I can treat my chickens for gapeworm and resp. problems at the same time....2 different meds at the same time?
in indonesia we use virgin coconut oil, nigella sativa oil,or curcuma juice. It's really works. It stimulate the imun system if you wouldn't to give the vaccine.
Well thanks to everyone who answerd back....well I have had no other fatalities since and they all seem good .....knock on wood.....I put cider vinager in thier water, fed them soured milk and yogurt added some more protine....they seem happy

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