Help! Need to know Hens or Roos?


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2017
Greetings from Oklahoma! I purchased 6 chicks at the beginning of March. 3 of them were supposed to be RIR , but surprise they are Buff Orpington. I have been going back and forth trying to figure out if I have 3 Roos, 3 Hens or combo. Need chicken wisdom on this thank you for your responses.
Have you got any idea how old they were when you bought them? If they were just hatched I would say all three are boys judging by the large combs and wattles. The third photo definitely looks like a boy due to his thin saddle feathers coming through. You could lift up the feathers at the base of the other two's tails and see if you can see any of those skinny feathers coming through.
I think just under a week old. I feared they were all Roos. Just hoping I had at least 1 hen.
View attachment 1032589 View attachment 1032590 View attachment 1032591 Greetings from Oklahoma! I purchased 6 chicks at the beginning of March. 3 of them were supposed to be RIR , but surprise they are Buff Orpington. I have been going back and forth trying to figure out if I have 3 Roos, 3 Hens or combo. Need chicken wisdom on this thank you for your responses.
I have two Buff hens one is about 15 months and the other 14 months old. My older hen looks like the first picture. She has a big comb and is laying large eggs quite regularly. My other one has a small comb and lays medium size eggs. The last picture, judging by the extended comb, looks like a rooster. The middle picture is kind of hard to tell, but the tail feathers make it look like a rooster. You may have to just wait and see what they become.

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