
In the Brooder
Feb 18, 2019
Hello everybody & good morning.
I just recently decided to join this page to ask a specific question to you all. Even though I have never joined before I have used this site and everybody's comments for help with questions I've had in the past. But I am so stressed out I need my own question asked.

I have 6 Easter Eggers. And now I only have 4. Here is what has happened over the past month. About a week ago my sister came running in at 2am waking me up with one of my girls wrapped up in a towel saying she interrupted some predators meal and managed to scare it off.... Although our girl had already passed... I walked the coop ans sae all signs point to a raccoon. Although, I never wanted to think a raccoon could be so vicious (i know they have to eat too) but i thought maybe a fox would have before a coon.

Now, I live in virginia (eastern shore) I've recently learned the only predators for my girls we have around here are foxes, raccoons, hawks, and owls. We dont hqve many other predators due to living on an island (Chincoteague Va)

Anyways, I went outside and noticed not only one hen was gone, but THREE!
So I set the live trap that night and in the morning I had a big coon!

Problem solved? no.

So, 2 days later, after believing one was viciously attacked and the other two dissapeared without a trace ... me and my girlfriend were leaving the drive way and she saw the missing two in a neighbor's fenced in yard! I jumped the fence and got my girls back! they were so hungry and very happy to see me ... My heart was full that I didnt lose three. but still sad I had to lose one.

Fast forward.... days later. (yesterday) around 3pm was the last time I saw all of my hen together. I had my sister go out and put them up, same time every night and one of my girls was missing without a trace. IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. she was seen at 2pm ans gone at 330pm.

shes also one of the ones we found down the road after the late night coon attack...

Shes still missing as of 330pm yesterday and I have no idea what to do! Even if I found some clues to a struggle would ease my mind ... but I feel like shes out there somewhere waiting on me to find her!!!!

thanks so much for reading. please help!!!!
Welcome to BYC - sorry for the circumstances. Hopefully she was just scared off and will fine her way back. If I were you I would have a box trap set 24/7 with no relocation of predators. In reality the only surefire guarantee of flock safety is a covered pen, fort knox coop, and electric fencing.
Can you share a photo of your coop?

Once you lock the birds up for the night, they should be safe from all threats. No coon, fox or anything else should be able to get to them. Since it seems they are able to get to them, your immediate first step needs to be to find a way to tighten things up. Providing a photo will help us help you find a way to do that.
What should I bait my trap with?!
I have it set, I read that sweets attract raccoons but I've already caught one and I dont think a raccoon took her in broad daylight. Or would it? I'm new to this.

And my coop is secure it's the run. I let them out of the coop during the day and never had any problems , but I put them up before it gets dark to prevent anything from happening. well, the missing one she actually flew out of the run.... so she had been in the yard alone?? I will post picture of coop.
Welcome to BYC - sorry for the circumstances. Hopefully she was just scared off and will fine her way back. If I were you I would have a box trap set 24/7 with no relocation of predators. In reality the only surefire guarantee of flock safety is a covered pen, fort knox coop, and electric fencing.

what should I do if I catch something. What is the next step with said animal.
What should I bait my trap with?!
I have it set, I read that sweets attract raccoons but I've already caught one and I dont think a raccoon took her in broad daylight. Or would it? I'm new to this.

And my coop is secure it's the run. I let them out of the coop during the day and never had any problems , but I put them up before it gets dark to prevent anything from happening. well, the missing one she actually flew out of the run.... so she had been in the yard alone?? I will post picture of coop.

Raccoons come out in the day too. I use cat food to attract raccoons when I trap during the season.
Can you share a photo of your coop?

Once you lock the birds up for the night, they should be safe from all threats. No coon, fox or anything else should be able to get to them. Since it seems they are able to get to them, your immediate first step needs to be to find a way to tighten things up. Providing a photo will help us help you find a way to do that.

They cant gain access to coop, they were in the run. and she got out, was walking around alone. I had been out and my sister said when she went out to put them up , she had been gone. My brother pulled up and said she had been out of the run, will post pics of coop so I can make it more safe thank you!

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