HELP PLEASE ~ Duckling born with twisted leg

I was going to pick up some Peidalite and nicine tablets on my way to school today and start him on that this evening. What do you guys think? Not sure about what vitamins to give him. Hes 5 days old today and Like I said, has been in his bouncer for about 36 hours now.
tghe duck very creative!!!!
How is he NOW????
keep us posted please!
We adopted our neighbors Pekin duck. Her leg twisted inward. Our neighbor splinted it, but to no good. When we got her she was 8 weeks old. Everything we tried was too late. She limps but is not in pain and is fat and sassy.
However you could try splinting it and little by little turning it so it goes more where it needs to go. Kind of like they do with braces. Just check the temp of the foot. If it gets cold you are losing circulation. I would use cardboard, and duct tape with some sort of padding where it touches the leg. Change it often. You might be able to get it good enough to bear weight. I would slowly little by little change the angle as you change braces.
Hope this helps.
How clever you were to make that little " Duckie Bouncer" !!! Its just so cute. He looks so sweet in there. Sure hope its working well and in no time he will be running around like a duckling should!
Sorry I havent been on in a couple of days. I work full time and go to school full time so I'm quite busy! lol

We kept the duck in the bouncer untill last night. We placed him in a small box so he couldnt go too far, but I wanted to see how/if progress was being made. Well, needless to say, he is back in the bouncer. The leg looks good when he's in the bouncer, but when he comes out, it actually turns the other way and goes behing him a little. Not as bad as before but still not good. I picked up a vitamin supplment from one of those Big Acre stores, and it has a lot of nicin in it. The guy told me (as does the packaging) that its alright to give it to chicks as well as ducklings. Its a water additive so we're trying that tonight. I'm getting frustrated with this whole thing, but I try to remind myself that these things take time and he's only 7 days old. So I'm trying to stay positive. Thanks everyone for all the support and I'm glad you all liked the bouncer!

and as a sidenote, my husband discovered 7 MORE chicks yesterday, bringing our total to 16 chicks and 2 ducklings!
I've been reading this thread hoping that the little duckling's leg gets better because he's a cutie! But, I've seen ducks do OK with only the use of one leg in the wild. It might mean that you will have to pick him up more than other ducks to bring him into the pen, get food, etc, but he can still have a good life (and, he might swim well, too). But, I am hoping more that he will be able to walk and play with the other duckies naturally like he should. Good luck.

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