Help--- Please tell me I do't have Roo's!!! Pic's added


11 Years
Apr 29, 2008
South Carolina
Okay I have been out visiting the girls and one of them is starting to make funny noises, not really a crowing sound at all but different from the peep sounds. The combs all look about the same but they all seem to have combs at different stages of development. My question is if they would be roo's would they have wattles starting to show by 6 weeks of age now? I tried to get some pic's but they were just NOT having it at all. I do have one little buff who is the sweetest thing always want's to be near me and on my lap when I am in the pen and I did get a look at her comb which really about the same as others in size but a tad pinker but no wattles at all. Whn do they start developing wattles and do Americaunas (roo's) get them too? I will download pic's in a few minutes. Mean while can someone out here answer my questions please? Trudy
I do not want them to be Roo's as hubby says they must go if they are and I am already attached!!!
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Okay , I have the evidence now , let's see what you think, I am hoping hen and hubby says if they have to crow, then they gotta go!
This is one in question, I say hen even though her comb is pinker then some it is no bigger and no wattles. This is Lucy-

this is Lucy from the side-

This is Tallula, my sweety and so curios and loving I think hen-

This is Delilah a.k.a. Peepers, she is the sweetest, has the most personality and loves to be held.

This is Tallula from the side-

This is Lucy and Penny, Lucy on the left-

thanks for checking them out for me , please tell me they are hens. Trudy
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Trudy, I dont see any that look particularly roo-ish, although in the first pic, Lucy's comb seemed a bit wide for a hen. Is she six weeks old? If so, Id say cockerel for Lucy. Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas don't really have wattles that show, so you can't go by that.
I have to say Lucy looks roo-ish to me too. Do her/his tail feathers come to a point at the very tip?
No her tail feathers look all the same as the rest of the confirmed hens, I just got a little close to her trying to take a picture of her comb and that is why it looks fatter in the first picture. She is probably the more docile of the americaunas, if that can be said. All my Americaunas are crazy, they DO NOT want you to touch them and they tend to be pretty bossy with all the others. They also are the ones at the very top of the roosting poles and do not want to let the Buffs up there. It is at least 6 feet up and they take the top like is is nothing. But Lucy's tail feathers look the same as the rest of them. thanks, Trudy
That is a funny saying your husband came up with ... maybe you could convince a roo to Not crow and then it won't have to go!
Can you keep it in the dark or something so it doesn't crow? lol. I am not good at telling roo from hen, but one sure way to know, wait for time to tell. If it wears a skirt you will know it is a hen. If it has a bow-tie it is a roo.
hee hee hee. I think all your birds look just lovely. Maybe they just have different voices? My hubby isn't keen on a roo either. But he wouldn't make me get rid of it 'cause we're in the country and several neighbors have roosters too. Best wishes for it being a hen!!!
I am no good at telling the hens from the roo's till they are old enough to crow:p

All I can say is, if she is a he, you have two options. Farmer method: soup pot. Otherwise, you could caponize she/he. I am sure there are some threads on here about caponization, from people a lot smarter than me!

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