Help please


In the Brooder
Jul 20, 2017
My 5 month old pigeon (male), was let out for the first time today, he was doing excellent flying from his loft to the roof and ground, never leaving site of his loft. Something spooked him on the roof and he flew into an oak tree probably 25-30 feet about the roof and I have lost sight of him. He's in love with my female which is still inside the loft. I'm hoping that and hunger will play a factor in his arrival. I messed up and fed him this morning instead of releasing him while hungry.. these are my first pigeons and trail and error is something I'm used to, I just want to know if there is a large chance he will return home, he has never flown until today he had a hard time judging the strength he has to put into flying that high, just worried. Thanks!
My 5 month old pigeon (male), was let out for the first time today, he was doing excellent flying from his loft to the roof and ground, never leaving site of his loft. Something spooked him on the roof and he flew into an oak tree probably 25-30 feet about the roof and I have lost sight of him. He's in love with my female which is still inside the loft. I'm hoping that and hunger will play a factor in his arrival. I messed up and fed him this morning instead of releasing him while hungry.. these are my first pigeons and trail and error is something I'm used to, I just want to know if there is a large chance he will return home, he has never flown until today he had a hard time judging the strength he has to put into flying that high, just worried. Thanks!
First releases cause a lot of worry. Surely the fact that his mate is in your loft is a plus in getting him to return. And he has probably not gone far. Do you make a noise like shaking seeds in a can or whistling when you feed? Have you tried to call him back that way? He may well return when you feed in the evening. How long have you had them?
:fl you get him back. And
Hopefully some more experienced members will stop by to give you some advice.:D
@Hokum Coco , @RezChamp , @LamarshFish ?
ETA: Is he a homing pigeon, or some other kind?
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Ive had the girl a month and him 3 days short of a month, my buddy got 3 the same day I did and his are all over 2 years old and they fly like a dream and return just as well. I try to mimic his cooing and I have a certain whistle that I use just for them. I should have soaped his wings but I had just stained them red and blue 2 days ago. I miss my buddy and regret my decision dearly. Thank you for the reply.


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He's beautiful. I wondered about the blue color:lol:. Are you in the US, or somewhere else in the world? Just curious. Don't regret your decision ... he's not been gone that long, right? There is a good chance you will get him back.
He's beautiful. I wondered about the blue color:lol:. Are you in the US, or somewhere else in the world? Just curious. Don't regret your decision ... he's not been gone that long, right? There is a good chance you will get him back.

Yes I'm in the US honestly didn't do it because of the flag but because Wal mart only had blue and red bingo markers. :lol::lol: it looked much better today , the colors blended well with his feathers. It was so beautiful during flight. He's been gone approximately 35 to 40 minutes, I panicked and immediately made an account on here. Thank you!!
OK, not yet time to panic.;) We love new members, no matter how they come on board!!!
Keep us updated please.
One thought I had - can you get your female out in a cage where she is more visible to maybe attract him down from the tree where he may well be perched all this time if you haven't seen him flying.
I have a live trap I put her in and had her on my roof for awhile but in this Florida heat I don't want her up there that long, I have a hawk circling over my house making that distinct hawk noise, i have the girl on top there loft in the live trap so he can see her if he flys over. She has good and water and there loft is open. I just don't know how long i should have her in there. Your knowledge is giving me comfort though!
Good job. Use your best judgement on the Florida heat, although I was born in Ft Lauderdale I live in the north now, very different. Is it a Red Tail Hawk? Perhaps its planning to capture a bunny or rat :fl.

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