Help! Poopy chicken butt! Possible vent gleet??


5 Years
Dec 9, 2014
Pacific Northwest
Hello everyone! I have a 24 week old BO hen who has been having severe poopy feather issues for a couple days now.
Last night I tried to wash and dry her off as best I could. This morning I was hoping to see a nice fluffy bottom but instead I found this:

(Picture included) none of my 5 other hens are having any issues, Everyone is eating/drinking/laying/acting/normally.
What can I do help her feathers return to normal? It's really hard to even wash and dry her rear end. Is there a proper way to do this? BO have SO many feathers it's hard!


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She just needs to have her bottom washed off in a bucket with some warm soapy water, or sprayed off with the water hose. Look for any red irritated skin or white spots. I would think that she just has a poopy bottom rather than vent gleet. It can be common in summertime especially if they are drinking a lot of water. You can get some fresh droppings collected and have your local vet run a fecal test for worms and coccidiosis. Probiotics a couple of times a week, or feeding a small amount of cottage cheese, or cooked rice with buttermilk can help with runny poos. Trim any excess vent feathers to keep her from getting so soiled.
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Ok, thanks! I will wash her again! Skin looks normal and healthy that I can see. I will check on her and give her another bath tomorrow and repost with my results!
Could be the diet but, I was told that you can also trim the feathers around her rear end. Dont have to be all the way down just enough to get a clear shoot. Hope it helps
I would definitely talk to someone at your local feed store or tractor supply. The people at the feed store my know exactly what it is. And, usually have what u need to help her. I've been raising chickens for about 5 yrs. Have gotten lots of help from BYC members. Im still learning . Fortunately, only had a few different illnesses happen. Good luck. Hope she pulls thru
I would definitely talk to someone at your local feed store or tractor supply. The people at the feed store my know exactly what it is. And, usually have what u need to help her. I've been raising chickens for about 5 yrs. Have gotten lots of help from BYC members. Im still learning . Fortunately, only had a few different illnesses happen. Good luck. Hope she pulls thru

That's a good idea!! I'll do that next time I go in to buy chicken and rat food!
I was watching a video about someone with a chicken with severe poopy butt and it turned out to be a major mite infestation. The other chickens were not showing the same signs but the person had to treat the infected bird and the entire coop. So so check the vent area carefully and under the wing vents.

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