HELP! prolapse with egg inside? (pictures)

Thank you so much. If the tissue rips, do we apply superglue after to close it back together? I will try as you said, this will probably be our last attempt. We have antibiotics we can give, so we're good on that aspect. We will be trying and I'll update on how she's doing soon. Thank you again!
No, I would not superglue, suture or anything. This tissue if all goes well will hopefully be retracted back inside of her.

What antibiotic do you have? Do you have dosing info?
No, I would not superglue, suture or anything. This tissue if all goes well will hopefully be retracted back inside of her.

What antibiotic do you have? Do you have dosing info?
Okay, her vent seems to have ripped a bit, but not where we can get the egg out, there is blood and lots of swelling. I can't get a picture right now as I am alone. So I am thinking I should maybe cull her because it's sad to say that she doesn't look like she's going to make it.

We have Cipro that we have used in the past on the hens for infections. We gave 50 mg of that and it has worked well in the past.
Thank you to everyone, we had to cull the chicken finally. She had worsened a lot in the past few hours, she started pooping blood, refused to eat, she had flies on the injury, was very lethargic and more. So we've decided that the least painful thing to do was cull, sadly we liked her a lot, but we have run out of options. Thank you to everyone, we took every suggestion given!
Thank you to everyone, we had to cull the chicken finally. She had worsened a lot in the past few hours, she started pooping blood, refused to eat, she had flies on the injury, was very lethargic and more. So we've decided that the least painful thing to do was cull, sadly we liked her a lot, but we have run out of options. Thank you to everyone, we took every suggestion given!
I agree. Even if she had survived, it's very likely that with all the damage done here, she would have more complications in the future. I'm sorry you lost her, its so sad to loose a hen you fought so hard for. Just know that you made the right call, and she's out of pain now. You did the right thing, and are so strong to have been able to make that choice, some people may not have been able to do it.
I'm vey sorry for your loss. :hugs:hugs
Sorry for your loss. You did the best thing for your hen to stop her from suffering. In the video below, this hen had a prolapsed vent with a stuck egg. The owner finally was able to manipulate the egg out, but the hen prolapsed with another egg later, and had to be culled:

I've just checked in to see how she is doing, and I so sorry to hear you lost her. I was really rooting for the poor girl. What a sad situation and such bad luck. You dealt with it amazingly and did all you could. :hugs

I'm sure this thread will help other people in due course.

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