help - prolapsed vent?


7 Years
Mar 25, 2016
ive never seen a prolapsed vent before. this hen stopped laying a week or so ago. rough feathers, think molting.
have a minor lice infestation so i picked her up to see if any lice and noticed vent. warm epson salt bath? petroleum to gently push back? what to do? whats pronosis? sorry typos...
prolapsed vent.jpg
prolapsed vent.jpg
typing one-handed holding her with other.
That is a mild prolapse, so just keep the red tissue moist at all times while it is outside her body, and push it back in, once you have determined that she does not have a stuck egg and can poop. Egg bound hens usually cannnot poop. Any straining, such as when they struggle while being held, will cause the prolapse to pop back out. Coconut oil, vaseline, olive oil, or even a little honey, which can help decrease swelling is good to use. Here is some info:

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