Help Quail chick hatched early can I open during lockdown?


In the Brooder
May 5, 2020
Hi all. Day 15 put eggs on lock down this morning and just checked this evening and a quail chick just hatched (not yet fluffy) looking a bit sleepy but only one other egg pipping. Humidity stable at 40% which is low so I turn on the mist maker every few hours to get it to 65%.
My question can I open or shall I leave for 24-48hours. My head and all the research says keep on lock down as it’s meant to be able to survive in the incubator for up to 48hrs. However my heart prays it’s still alive in the morning and I quickly get it out and put it under the heat lamp.
Thoughts please...
If he's wet, leave him in tonight and take him out tomorrow. They "can" last longer than 48 hours. This is how day old chicks are shipped all across the country. For me though, I always wait 24 hours after the first one hatches before I open my incubator. I have waited 36 hours before, I've never had a chick die inside the incubator. That said, if he's fluffy and you don't see a lot of other pips or zips it wouldn't hurt to snatch him out real quick like....
Thanks everyone. The support from this group is incredible. I think it’s just the lockdown anxiety, I woke up this morning to more chicks then I could count and lots looking healthy. I’ll take them out this evening when they’re all fluffy.
Thanks everyone. The support from this group is incredible. I think it’s just the lockdown anxiety, I woke up this morning to more chicks then I could count and lots looking healthy. I’ll take them out this evening when they’re all fluffy.
I actually hatch out my chicks at lower than normal humidity levels (45ish)
I also like to remove my chicks much sooner than others.
There is not way in the world I would leave them in the bator for any where near 24 hours.
I actually hatch out my chicks at lower than normal humidity levels (45ish)
I also like to remove my chicks much sooner than others.
There is not way in the world I would leave them in the bator for any where near 24 hours.
I'm starting to think incubating is more of an art than a science! I read all the info I could find before I bought eggs and an incubator and then proceeded to do everything pretty much wrong. My purchased eggs took way too long to arrive, so I figured I was doomed anyway, but I put them in the incubator. Then, because I was curious, I put one of my random eggs in. I only turned them a couple of times a day (I was convinced they were all duds I think) and the humidity was really high at first, then right before lockdown it dropped for some reason and I couldn't get it up where I'd read it should be. I only candled the eggs once, and I couldn't really see anything, so I was still sure they were duds. Day 21 came and went. Nothing. I was not surprised but I left the eggs alone. Day 23 I'm thinking I should do something with the incubator and there's a chick! And it was my egg! So I wait until it's all fluffy and snatch it out and put it in my little brooder. So a couple more days go by and today I decided I really should get rid of the eggs left in the incubator, and one of my purchased eggs has hatched. So it's in the brooder with chick 1 and I still haven't cleaned out the incubator! I figure what's another day or 2 just in case!

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