HELP!! Runner with Face injury or infection...? Graphic Pics inside!

well, its a tremendous difference if you dont think that the black marks below her eyes and towards her beak are holes...those were black gunk with fur underneath. After she soaked for hours today it all came off and she had her furry feathers there. It is still dark but no goo is on it. She has a cut over her eye that is deep but has a definite edge inside.
she hasnt had any discharge from her nose that I have was watery stuff from her eye and only that once did I see that bubbly stuff. It started to get better once it had a couple of days of terramycin...I hope...we will see what tomorrow brings, and if its worse Ill get some baytril.

I know about those saddles but she is in the muck and water all the time...I guess it might be worth it to buy one but I owuld be washing it all the time and having to catch her to put it on.
Actually... I had a goose with a messed up eye like that. The other geese didn't like her and kept attacking her. When I rescued her from them, I wasn't even sure that she would live, but she did recover. When gunk runs out of an injury, it's actually pretty acidic and can irritate the surrounding skin. I had a horse with an injury and gunk running down his leg. Vet told me to clean it daily and put vaseline all over it to protect the skin where the stuff was running down. Is vaseline safe to use on ducks? Blukote hides the blood so it doesn't get repeatedly picked by the other birds. I would try to keep the turkey away from her, they can do substantial damage to the hens when they are breeding.
I havent read the whole thread but wondered if it could be a posionus spider bite maybe .. It looks very necrotic to me and as fast as you say it progressed I would think venom.. Just my two cents.. Sorry about your Runner I hope you can get this under control..

Nevermind I justed went back and saw more photos on page two..
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i have been being nosey and reading everything. i am nooo duck expert. but i do hope your duckie feels and gets better soon. poor little dear. i could freak out if that happened to my ducks.
i wish you luck!!! seems like you have been a great ducky mom
There is definitely a hole there, no doubt about it. Right over/into the sinus. The bird obviously has multiple issues going on. My best guess is that this started as a simple eye infection. Especially during the winter when they don't have regular access to swimming water, ducks will get eye infections. Sometimes it is not even an infection per se, rather it is an irritation around the eye that can lead to some really nasty looking matting and discharge. Runners are particularly prone to this. I just had one of my Runners get a really bad case of this earlier in the week (we have raised Runners for 20+ years). I was sure the bird was going to need an antibiotic, he looked so bad and this was a bird that had access to a dish he could have almost submerged his whole body in. We separated him and I have been toting fresh water out to him in his own private swimming pool constantly and within just a few days, he is back to normal.

When I hear you say you are going to clean around or remove the scab, I literally cringe (because I know from my own experience, how easy it is to tear the skin). DO NOT do that. That looks like part of, if not the main, problem the bird has as it is (not that this was a result of something you did, it could have easily have been another bird picking at it). I am guessing that this started as an eye infection and moved to the sinus because the missing patch of skin is literally right over the sinus. When a duck gets a sinus infection, you will see a swollen bump right there. In an attempt to clean the area, you can quite easily tear open the skin (which pretty clearly looks like has happened). I am not surprised that you see new growth underneath what appears to be a scab. That is normal. Ducks are very resilient and tissue can heal very quickly. Really though, if at all possible, I would see a vet. Definitely continue keeping her isolated and give her WATER, WATER, and more WATER. Let her keep the area clear by swimming. Do not put her back out and do not go picking at the scab. Continue with the fresh swimming water and an antibiotic eye cream at a minimum. Whatever gooey stuff is there will come off as she is able to swim in fresh water (that is almost certainly why you are seeing improvement).

The issue of the bare patch on the back is an entirely different issue. Obviously, you can't keep the bird with a turkey that is mating her. Runners are very light weight ducks. A turkey is not. From the looks of her, I am kind of surprised he hasn't broken her back already. If you keep them together, you will almost certainly find her dead at some point (probably sooner than later). It is unfortunate, but it is reality. I know it is a hassle in a mixed flock to keep them separated, but in a case like this there is really not much choice. Good Luck! I think she has a good chance of rebounding as long as you keep up the good work with the swimming water, etc...
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Good Morning!!
I'm so glad she's doing better!!! I LOVE ducks.....I have 110 of them currently. The advice given to you on this forum is "right on the money" many very knowledgeable people who evidently feel the same way about ducks as I do!!! Ducks are very resilient and usually heal very well. Several years ago I saved a duck that was attacked by a fischer.....her bill was severely chewed up. She recovered.....even though she looks like she has a "permanent smile " on the one side of her bill. I named her Ramona....and she's still here participating in all the "ducky antics" (smile).
Sincerely, Kathy in NY
oh I will not take them I just did not want you to be miserable with them, as long as you are happy so am I
I know Tom sure is!

I do think a drake would help at the very least the girls would probably stop squatting for Tom if they had a real mate. I have yet to have a runner go broody on me but I am sure they do.

I cant remember what mix she is as she was from Sundownwaterfowl if I remember correctly. As I recall she was not sure either having several breeds running together.

I would love some eggs to hatch of course as I adore them. but am in no rush at all.

I am sure you dont need a drake,
but I would ask some real duck breeders if it would help or not. I think it would but then again I know very little I just see that my drakes really do take charge and protect the hens. I have 9 ducks all together and 3 drakes so I am not rushed to get rid of one but it would be best for the girls probably if I did.

I am so glad she is looking better.
I guess you will be raising more poults for Tom

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