A local pet rescue...known as Pets By Judy is being forced out of thier shelter becuase Orange county has rezoned. They have 110 days to relocate or face a fine of $250/day.
To raise money, several different sponsors have stepped up to the plate. One is www.goodsearch.com. Each time you use this site, they will donate a penny to Pets by Judy. Its not awhole lot if one person does it, but if we all work together and do a few search a day, we can help bring in some money.
Also, they are finalists in Extreme makeover. ABC's extreme shlter makeover is willing to help. They just need our votes! www.petitiononline.com/sep2007/petition-sign.html Lets all vote and help these pets out!
Just a few clicks from each of us can help save some lives! Lets all help!!
To raise money, several different sponsors have stepped up to the plate. One is www.goodsearch.com. Each time you use this site, they will donate a penny to Pets by Judy. Its not awhole lot if one person does it, but if we all work together and do a few search a day, we can help bring in some money.
Also, they are finalists in Extreme makeover. ABC's extreme shlter makeover is willing to help. They just need our votes! www.petitiononline.com/sep2007/petition-sign.html Lets all vote and help these pets out!
Just a few clicks from each of us can help save some lives! Lets all help!!