Help sexing my Americanas

all pullets, easter egger roos tend to leak red along their backs and shoulder area which is very helpful. yours have none and are all typical hen colors for Easter eggers. by the way those arnt Americans or Amerucanas they are easter eggers a cross bred between a blue egg layer and any other bird. Amerucanas are most of the time expensive and need to be bought from a breeder. hatcheries and most people typically get these mixes confused with Americans and are sold as so but are incorrect.
black legs
beard and muffs
lay blue eggs
pea comb
standardized colors
white skin

easter eggers:
any color legs typically green
clean faced or bearded are both common
lay any color eggs typically blue
any type of comb
random colors non certified-mix
yellow skin is common but any is possible.

please excuse my spelling for Americans it spell corrects it...

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