HELP!!!! shes gonna go!!


9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
please help.

i dont know how old she is but shes an americauna and i came home she was laying in a pile of mud and i took her up to the house and gave her a bath and she is standing up but i got her a scoop of feed and she hasnt touched it. she like closes her eyes and stuff and she just pooped and it looked like a broken egg but with out the shell.

she hasnt layed any eggs yet and i just got her fron so-so conditions and the other is a barred rock bantam mix and i think she is laying but shes fine. but those are the two that i just got and everybody was pickin on tweety (the sick one). oh please help...
Keep her warm and scramble her an egg to eat. She may have been kept from eating and drinking if they've been picking on her.

I have to run but will check in later.
Amanda, she could have had an egg break inside her and as a result she could have peritonitis. If so, she needs emergent help in the form of the right antibiotic.

Keep her in comfortable quiet room and dribble with dropper gently along her beak line (so she swallows on her own and doesn't choke) 3 drops Polyvisol liquid childrens vitamins (without added iron). This is not curative at all but may give her a bit of strength. She truly may need vet attention to get through this if it's a broken egg. It's possible she has another ailment entirely but not knowing what it is you would be guessing at right treatment.

Also, if everyone has been picking on tweety she may be exhausted and have injuries that need attention. Don't put her back with the others while in her weakened condition.

JJ (aka jjthink most of the time)

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