I have run into some trouble this week with my absolute FAVORITES girl, Mindy. She developed quite the impacted crop at the beginning of the week. We gave her small amounts of watered down mushy pellets and massaged her crop at least twice a day all week. She has lost a ton of weight, you can see her breast bone protruding under her feathers and she is tiny now when she used to be one of my fatter ones a few weeks ago. The crop is finally almost empty, except for a large marble sized lump. She has been eating well and drinking like a fiend through the whole thing until yesterday. She only picked at her mash in the morning and wasn't interested in any of it by the evening. She has been pecking at every tiny speck on the floor of my kitchen and always tries to steal whatever it is that I'm eating, especially potato chips! (She tried stealing one out of my mouth last night
). So she is definitely hungry but just not eating what she should be and she basically only eats if I hand feed it to her. I got her to eat a slice of bread, with water so it was mushy since we still seem to have a crop problem, about a teaspoon of peanut butter, about a tablespoon of banana, and a teaspoon of leftover beef roast from last night. She's still at least drinking really really well. She is disinterested in peanut butter now and won't eat raw eggs. I'm going no to try cooking some eggs to see if she will eat that, though I'm not terribly hopeful to be honest
. Any ideas about what the heck is going on with my baby and different things I should try would be amazing! I'm so scared I'm going to lose her.