Help! Silkie Hen acting strange


Apr 30, 2021
My two year old silkie hen is acting really strange. She has been laying nonstop for about two weeks. Today, she is hiding behind the coop. I go pick her up and everything looks fine. Bright eyes, red comb, no discharge anywhere. Poop is darker than normal but regular other than that. I check her vent and cannot feel or see any lumps. She is using her wings for balance and just acting off. Seems tired and dizzy? This was her first time laying this many eggs. She has laid 15. I gave her some electrolytes, an epsom salt bath, and a little vetrx. This is my baby. She is just not acting herself at all.
I would make sure that she is well hydrated. If she has been having problems today, she may not have made it to her waterer or eaten. Is there any food in her crop? Will she take a bit of scrambled egg, wet chicken feed, tuna, or canned cat food? Have you added any new birds to your flock in recent months? Could she have been injured or bullied? Was she vaccinated for Mareks? I would probably crate her for a day or so near food and water, and watch her. She can stay with her flock or come inside. I might try giving her human vitamin E 400 IU and human B complex 1/4 tablet daily in case of a neurological condition. Let us know how she is doing.
I would make sure that she is well hydrated. If she has been having problems today, she may not have made it to her waterer or eaten. Is there any food in her crop? Will she take a bit of scrambled egg, wet chicken feed, tuna, or canned cat food? Have you added any new birds to your flock in recent months? Could she have been injured or bullied? Was she vaccinated for Mareks? I would probably crate her for a day or so near food and water, and watch her. She can stay with her flock or come inside. I might try giving her human vitamin E 400 IU and human B complex 1/4 tablet daily in case of a neurological condition. Let us know how she is doing.
She ate a bit of chicken feed with water. She is only in a coop with her longtime flock mate. I moved her to our isolation pen. She seemed to perk up after the electrolytes. She was not vaccinated. I hatched her myself. I am going to check her again when I get back from picking up my kids. I really hope she is just tired from all the egg laying.
I hope so too. Poultry Cell or NutriDrench are good products that contain boost of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes plus amino acids, and dosage is 1 ml for every 3 pounds of weight.
My two year old silkie hen is acting really strange. She has been laying nonstop for about two weeks. Today, she is hiding behind the coop. I go pick her up and everything looks fine. Bright eyes, red comb, no discharge anywhere. Poop is darker than normal but regular other than that. I check her vent and cannot feel or see any lumps. She is using her wings for balance and just acting off. Seems tired and dizzy? This was her first time laying this many eggs. She has laid 15. I gave her some electrolytes, an epsom salt bath, and a little vetrx. This is my baby. She is just not acting herself at all.
Any updates?

I hope she is okay.

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