I have been going to the college for YEARS to run/walk and feed the ducks/geese and a few days ago someone let another Pekin duck go in the parking lot and it walked over to the lake where I was and (Shorty) the other Pekin duck there has a mate (Rocky) a Mallard drake SO since it was night time and he didn't know the area or probably how to fend for itself,..I took it home,..NOW I need advice,..he won't eat any of the seed/corn that I feed the other ducks,..he is obsessed with finding me where ever I go,..does not take to any toys,..chases everyone and nips at them,..I can hold him in my lap and that is all he likes,..He scratches like crazy,..Can they have fleas and mites and if they can How do I help him get rid of them,.????? I keep him on the back porch at night,..with lots of water but WHAT DO I FEED HIM??? What am I going to do with him?? Need help ASAP,...