So sorry to hear about your sick turkey. I don't have turkeys, but have had chickens for about 12 years. I've lost a few with those types of issues. I usually give them a few days to see if it will resolve on its own, and if it doesn't we euthanize if the bird is suffering. I haven't had any luck reducing a prolapse and no luck having a chicken pass a bound egg. Unfortunately, I have only had one bird survive this type of issue and it recovered on its own from what appeared to be a minor prolapse. She lived for a long time after that, but she always seemed like a weaker bird. I think prolapse and egg binding tend to reccur. Any sick birds that I have been able to doctor up from any issue have always been targets for being picked on for the rest of their lives. I believe this normal pecking order/survival behaviors for chickens, but I am not sure how things are with turkeys. I am sorry I couldn't help and hope someone else will chime in with some good advice.

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