Help! Wet strain of fowl pox! (Respiratory illness)

Dry Pox has a very high recovery rate with intervention. However, the wet pox brings in secondary infections, respiratory infections, that make recovery nigh near impossible without antibiotics

@ mathace - what do you use to disinfect the quarantine pen after the birds are well ?
I recently had an outbreak of pox and had *many* with wet pox make full recoveries without drugs, just had to remove the plaque/pus, but I still have three with the secondary infections that I need to treat with antibiotics, just have to decide what drug to use.

Dry Pox has a very high recovery rate with intervention. However, the wet pox brings in secondary infections, respiratory infections, that make recovery nigh near impossible without antibiotics

@ mathace - what do you use to disinfect the quarantine pen after the birds are well ?

I've only had to deal with the pox one time. Since that one time, I have been very diligent about vaccinating my birds.
The one time that the birds got it... EVERY one in the pen got it.
There was no need to disinfect the pen afterwards. It is sort of like getting the flu, once it is over, it is over. Plus, they get the added benefit of having developed antibodies to it.

I was just very careful to handle, feed, treat, that pen last every day. That way I avoided cross contamination to the other pens.
I lost two to dry pox, but only because I didn't notice that they weren't eating until it was too late, all other dry pox patients have recovered without medicine. Those that had warts on the eyes had to be tube fed. Almost all of my wet pox patients have made complete recoveries, but all have had to be treated with an antibiotic and/or anti fungal, and of course they had to be tube fed.


Thankgod whenever I read your post I feel motivated one of my friend's chickem having this issue she see yesterday and tell me I started finding
She told that only 1 visible plaque inside upper mouth .
She is giving Metrodinazole 200mg along with Bcomplex

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