Help! Whole flock is just OFF!?


Aug 19, 2020
East Texas
Ok so since my neighbors chickens have ventured over and mingled with my flock before I noticed we’ve had a slew of issues pop up!

a Few hens started sneezing and then several others did as well as well as random ones getting runny noses. Rooster sounds like he’s got wheezy/rattly breathing as well as runny nose and the occasional sneeze. ** vet said treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic but that was all. Not a vet that will see chickens. So I got amoxy-tyl and have had them on this. Today was the 7th and final day.** a few still randomly have runny noses but no one is c

Two days ago one hen developed a swollen sinus under the eye. Been using terramycin ointment on it. Today it looks a bit better but now the other eye is swollen. Same way. Will start the ointment there as well. She still eats and drinks just fine it seems but her eye is swollen and I see her sleeping often. Just stands still in the run and ticks her head back and sleeps. Wakes up a bit later and eats and drinks and runs for a moment or two. Then back to sleep. She also has had a runny nose And her comb is a little pale.

About 5 days ago one hen had one little black spot on her comb, now it’s gone but the three oldest hens and the rooster have plenty of black spots on combs and Wattles. I know this to be fowl pox and am using an iodine solution on them. A few spots on the combs are a paler color but not sure if this is normal for fowl pox. The 5 younger ones don’t have anything wrong with their combs.

also I have one hen who came into the flock about 5 weeks ago. Was quarantined for two weeks with no issues. Doesn’t seem to have any issues and still does not have any of the issues the others are having however she’s always been missing these same feathers under her wings ( on her back) since before we got her. She’s about 12-13 weeks old.

please someone help me figure out how to handle my flock! Not more than a month ago they were all super healthy and doing great!
Your flock is infected with some type of respiratory disease and if they survive, they will remain carriers for life. Anytime they are stressed, they will show symptoms, with or without the use of antibiotics. Eventually the disease will become resistant to the antibiotic and you'll have to use a more powerful antibiotic. Antibiotics mask symptoms, they do not cure the sick birds.
You'll have to make the choice to continue treating sick birds for the rest of their lives, or cull your sick flock. Then after a period of time (depending what disease they have), you can disinfect everything and eventually repopulate.

The fowl pox will pass through your flock in about a month or so. When my birds had it, it took 6 weeks to disappear. It depends on the severity of the strain.

As far as the pullet that is 12-13 weeks; it's possible that wherever she came from, she may have been picked on by other birds. She may have external parasites, inspect her closely for lice and/or mites. Also she may not have had proper feed to eat.
Your flock is infected with some type of respiratory disease and if they survive, they will remain carriers for life. Anytime they are stressed, they will show symptoms, with or without the use of antibiotics. Eventually the disease will become resistant to the antibiotic and you'll have to use a more powerful antibiotic. Antibiotics mask symptoms, they do not cure the sick birds.
You'll have to make the choice to continue treating sick birds for the rest of their lives, or cull your sick flock. Then after a period of time (depending what disease they have), you can disinfect everything and eventually repopulate.

The fowl pox will pass through your flock in about a month or so. When my birds had it, it took 6 weeks to disappear. It depends on the severity of the strain.

As far as the pullet that is 12-13 weeks; it's possible that wherever she came from, she may have been picked on by other birds. She may have external parasites, inspect her closely for lice and/or mites. Also she may not have had proper feed to eat.
Oh freaking amazing. Well these are our first chickens and my daughters first flock as well so I guess were locked down now. We only use the eggs for eating, don’t plan on butchering any of them nor do we sell anything. Had considered selling chicks next spring but if the chicks would be compromised I don’t want to do that to anyone else’s flock. Could this have been caused by my neighbors chickens coming over? We haven’t heard their rooster in a couple weeks so I’m wondering if he’s even there still....:/
It's possible your neighbors chickens mightve introduced a disease into your flock. Also if you acquired your birds from different sources, there's the possibility that something was introduced in that manner.
It's possible your neighbors chickens mightve introduced a disease into your flock. Also if you acquired your birds from different sources, there's the possibility that something was introduced in that manner.
Only one from a different source was the Brahma but she checked out during quarantine. I guess she could have had something hiding.

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