Help with Chicken Coop


10 Years
Apr 28, 2009
I have Americaunas and I'm wondering how high their run and coop should be. My husband built them an arc and I'm thinking it's too short for them for when they grow up. They are now 8 weeks old and fit fine, but worried about later. It's 17" tall on top and 17" tall on the bottom run.
It does sound small- do you have pics?
How many birds?
We supersized everything, and my birds are not as big as your will be. Well worth having lots of room, they will behave better and be healthier.

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Yeah, 17" isn't really a lot of room for them to stand fully totally upright, let alone stretch upwards. I wouldn't personally keep hens in those conditions, long term. But you know what, why not keep the ark as it is for now, and you can mull over what you want to do about it... you may decide you want a larger or more permanent coop, or something. If they have to stay in the ark for a little while as full-grown hens they can.

Good luck, have fun,

Okay. I just posted a new website on BYC. I have a couple pictures of the coops in there. I have 3 chickens. I know Sprinkles is a Barred Rock but not sure about the other two. I thought I bought Americaunas, but they might be Buff Orringtons???? What do you think?

I think the coop will have to be temporary housing. This is my first time raising chickens, so this is all a learning proccess as I go. Thanks so much for your help.


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