Help with Coop Location

I am glad you chose A. That is the one I voted for. I don't know how old you are, but I can tell you as someone who is now in her 50's, lugging stuff out to the chicken coop in 3 or 4 feet deep snow is not easy. If you have no electricty in the coop you will have frozen water all winter long and have to deal with lugging hot water out there daily as well as feeding and egg gathering. It will get old real quick.

We are building a new coop in a few weeks and it will be very close to our house and right off our driveway. We are probably breaking every law in the code, but then we do that anyway with the number of chickens we have, so what the heck. Once it is built, I will be able to unload feed from my car right into the coop. I will also be having one electrical outlet put in so I can rig up a heater for the water so I do not have to carry heave buckets of hot water out all winter. The heater will keep the water unfrozen and all I will have to do is bring enough water out to refill it and wash it out once a week or so in the house. Much easier. Since I love keeping chickens, we decided to make it as user friendly for us not so young anymore folks, as possible. What seems nice in the summer, will definitely have you discouraged come winter. Good luck with your new coop.
thank you for your input

last weekend i was thinking that it sure was nice that i didn't have to lug all the plywood, framing material, etc farther up the hill.

i'm on my cities design review board which is an offshoot of the planning/zoning department, if i didn't at least check the requirements, i'd never hear the end of it!

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