My 2yo ee is not eating and lost alot of weight. The vet didn't find anything alarming on physical exam. I could not afford blood and xrays so he started her on Clavimox and calcium to see if it would help. I've been trying to force feed her with a small syringe but I cannot get enough in her that way without stressing her out from having to do that over and over to get any real amount in her. I've been giving her baby food, bland home food I pureed, yogurt, etc that I've put in the blender and pureed with pedialyte. I've decided I will have to tube feed her to try to save her. I'm going to get the catheter and large syringe this morning. Can anyone offer any help with this?? I'm a nurse and the vet showed me by opening her beak really wide where the opening to the lungs is vs the opening to the crop. He also said I'd have to work very hard to get it into her lungs and I see why. Although I realize if I drip some on the way pulling it out that it could get into her lungs and must pinch off the tube. Is there anything else you can tell me to help me please?? Anyone have a video link that would help?? I watched one but it wasn't too good. I'm a nervous wreck and I love this little girl to pieces and I must save her. I just can't lose her. Please help!!!!