Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

Well if the mites aren’t moving into your home and hogging the remote … I’d say it’s working better than commercial products. I’ve owned chickens for decades and NEVER seen it so bad. I ordered the sulfur and will be itching until it gets here.
I'm using sulfur in the coop, enclosure and their dust bath. Its does help. Its been part of my 20 prong battle plan, lol. Baking soda has helped too. Salt, borax and sulfur are regular deliverfor me now.
Northern fowl mite tend to be darker than red mite which are in fact not red until they eaten.
Northern fowl mite are not resistant to permthrin here where I live, not have I read of resistance to permethrin in any other part of the world.
Get a piece of white tissue and wipe it along the underside of the roost bar at night while the chickens are roosting. If you have red mite some will make bloody spots on the tissue.
NFM live on the chicken and not in the coop so you would need to check each chicken for mites.
If you have a serious infestation of red mite you have many weeks of work ahead of you to rid the coop of them.
Would putting large amount of DE in coop & treating eA hen with it get rid of mites (for Organic flocks)?
1. I am using garden sulfur >>,aps,170&sr=8-5&th=1
I started with organic sulfur, but I had to find ways to cut back on the money.
2. I sprinkle it everywhere, other than nesting boxes.
I am using both Borax 20 Mule Brand and boric acid from Amazon. I sprinkle it in all bedding and in my enclosure. I don't use these in nesting boxes either.
3. Armed and Hammer laundry Booster and/or baking soda has seemed to really help too. I use it the same as both Borax/boric acid & the sulfur.
4. I am mixing my pine bedding half and half with cedar chips and using cedar chips in my enclosure spaces.
5. I have been alternating between Viper and Seven dusts in nesting boxes and I rub down the roosts every evening with it. I've also used petroleum jelly mixed with liquid permethrin and coated the underside of all my roosts. I actually need to clean them and do them again.
Yes the mites got into our dogs ears. My vet has been amazing thru this. She's an equine vet, so is not the typical dog/cat vet. She said she has seen bird mites infest many different animals, at least temporarily. Mostly their ears. My dogs are on Bravecto (Flurlaner product) which has made a huge difference, though they must be bathed weekly with IGR dog flea shampoo. Originally we had to Sulfur/Lime dip them weekly too. I had to get mite eggs off animals and off/out of EVERYTHING in my house

My birds have been on and off Exzolt (Fluralaner product) for 2.5 months now. I am now treating with the S76 protocol since my birds are in molt. I've bathed them in all things, I've dusted them, I've sprayed them, but in the end using a systemic treatment was the only thing that helped beat these f***ers back.
I found Exzolt at this web-site
It's pricey, but with eighty birds and six coops, I need something that will work in water.
I hope this will help others with mite problems.
This won't work in the majority of coops, but for your house, if you can get and keep the humidity down below 40% for three days, it should kill both the living and shrivel up the eggs. The vast majority of bugs nor their eggs can live below 50% humidity.

Case in point: 20 years or so ago (yes, I'm old) we had a flea infestation and God knows what else from a foster dog. I tried every product known to man for weeks and could not get rid of the bugs. Someone suggested this so we tried it and it worked! Beg, borrow, or steal a couple of dehumidifiers. Take pets and their water dishes out of the house and plug every drain or cover with a tupperware bowl lid. Remove anything in your home that has moisture, including houseplants if you can. We then put on a mask and sprinkled human-grade diatomaceous earth on every floor including drapes. When done, the pets could come back in but not their water. We ate out for three days and kept the house as sealed as we could while the humidity slowly dropped and kept dropping. We got ours down to 35% and we're in WI with an average humidity of 70%.

After 3 days, we vacuumed and washed everything that could be washed in hot water. Funny, but in the basement, we found dead spiders and beetles on the floor and on the washing machine we didn't even know were in there. But that did the trick!
Thanks Debbie. We have been running dehumidifiers for months we have the house down to and keep it at 35%. It does help tremendously so do air purifiers w/ ionization, but not a cure. I wish it was. We are doing much better, though we had to get rid of two couches (very nice leather) and I think one more recliner is going to have to go. I think I am still battling them in carpet upstairs, but I am winning. I've rotated the dogs between Nexgard and Bravecto with Frontline Plus which seems to be a winning combination. Though I think they may still have them in their ears. We are headed back to the vet on Friday to check.
My birds are twenty times better, but I again I haven't won. Its awful. I am rotating between exzolt (2 weeks/doses) out of 6 week periods. In between I am using S76, dusting birds weekly and had to reluctantly dose my big guy with frontline. I still totally clean all bedding and the runs, spray the coop/roosts and boxes weekly. I rotate my treatments to avoid resistance. They free range daily, so I may be pissing in the wind. I also have them on Chicken Elixer (covers the oregano) and garlic/brewers yeast supplements.

Saturday Lime seems to be helping. I am still using boric acid, borax, baking soda, sulfur and poultry dust and/or Seven, selectively on bedding, boxes, the runs and the birds..
They have an awesome very large area for dust bathing, which I also add sulfur and poultry dust to.
My vet (she breeds horses and poultry) thinks I may have to cull and let the property rest. I've been told by a few people who have seen this type of infestation, they've had to cull. I'm fighting like hell not to.
I'm just not so sure how much more their little bodies can take
Northern fowl mite tend to be darker than red mite which are in fact not red until they eaten.
Northern fowl mite are not resistant to permthrin here where I live, not have I read of resistance to permethrin in any other part of the world.
Get a piece of white tissue and wipe it along the underside of the roost bar at night while the chickens are roosting. If you have red mite some will make bloody spots on the tissue.
NFM live on the chicken and not in the coop so you would need to check each chicken for mites.
If you have a serious infestation of red mite you have many weeks of work ahead of you to rid the coop of them.
Is there a difference in size between the mites? Our meat birds (now all butchered this weekend) had mites the worst, when they flapped their wings hard mites would get on me. That’s what makes me wonder if it’s NF mites, because they were on the birds in the middle of the day.
Omg I’m so sorry! That sounds like an absolute nightmare. In our household I was the only one getting any significant bites (dozens). We have an ozone generator, so we closed off rooms in the house and used the generator to kill off any mites in each room (really REALLY helpful), plus bagged up and/or laundered bedding, clothing, and doused birds heavily with permethrin. I treated all the house pets with selamectin (Revolution), but have yet to treat the barn animals (goats and pigs) with permethrin. As of tomorrow it will be 7 days since our last permethrin treatment for the birds, so I will dust everyone again. We also butchered all of our meat birds last Saturday, and they were the most heavily infested (unsurprising, since they weren’t good at preening, didn’t free range much, etc.). The egg flock seems much healthier, but definitely need to keep treating them. I believe the mites came from the multiple nests of starlings that were between the two layers of the roof above the coop, but I really don’t know. This weekend I’ll dust the birds again, completely clean the coop again and spray it down with liquid rather than dust, and then bag and hot wash anything I was wearing. I can’t burn coop bedding because we have extreme fire danger and extreme heat right now (100 degrees predicted), will have to haul it to the burn pile (which is a long distance from house and all buildings) and burn it in October when it’s safe. We got huge long veterinary type gloves for the process, they’re plastic and shoulder length and make it easier to pick off any mites crawling up, too.
Ozone generators have saved us too! To include my work office. I tracked them here too, before I knew. Just awful. I too have the same weekend planned as you all. Again, it's groundhog day.
The whole coop, all the birds and the whole enclosure 36x15, though they free range all day. I've used bifrerin (Taklak), permethrins, spinosads, enzymes, essential oils, of course dust and dust after dust on the birds... I've spent probably $800 and at least 8 hrs a week cleaning and battling them, since week one of June and I can't win. I've never seen anything like it. I grew up in the country, helping on farms, to include my Grandpa's. This is simply baffling to me.
All I can think of is our property is infested (we back up to a river and next to fields). We've sprayed Nature's shield on all 3 acres, 4 times now. I know the dogs keep picking them up.
Something seems so out of balance, to include me, LOL! Good luck!
Well, I’ve dusted all the chickens 7 days apart now, and yesterday I completely stripped the coop and SOAKED it in Sevin spray, let it dry, and then let the chickens back in for the night after dusting all the roosts, nest boxes, floor (any flat surface) with permethrin mite dust. Today I will clean again, dust again, and put down vinyl flooring to make cleaning easier. I got one single mite on me(that I was aware of) in all the cleaning, so the coop itself was definitely not crawling with them. Now I’m wondering (worrying) if Sevin is actually effective against the NFM! Sure hope so.

I notice a number of my birds have bald patches on stern or back, but they didn’t look particularly inflamed when I was dusting them, so maybe it’s just seasonal molting? Lots of loose feathers, too.

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