Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

I've done it all, always have.
I've dealt with NFM before and have never been through this. They definitely are are not PRM's. Way too small and stay on the host.
These are unlike anything I've ever dealt with. They are systemic and the birds/me/ and my dogs' ears are the carriers.
Well, I’ve dusted all the chickens 7 days apart now, and yesterday I completely stripped the coop and SOAKED it in Sevin spray, let it dry, and then let the chickens back in for the night after dusting all the roosts, nest boxes, floor (any flat surface) with permethrin mite dust. Today I will clean again, dust again, and put down vinyl flooring to make cleaning easier. I got one single mite on me(that I was aware of) in all the cleaning, so the coop itself was definitely not crawling with them. Now I’m wondering (worrying) if Sevin is actually effective against the NFM! Sure hope so.

I notice a number of my birds have bald patches on stern or back, but they didn’t look particularly inflamed when I was dusting them, so maybe it’s just seasonal molting? Lots of loose feathers, too.
I did mine with agricultural vinegar 1 part to 1 part water, added peppermint oil and a cup of dawn soap all in all 2 gallons. Damn near choked myself out. Sprayed everything. Sprayed some our property with seven... it seemed to help. I could tell by the dogs. Crazy thing was after I sprayed and it dried I let the birds out. Some of my older girls hadn't gone in the backyard since all this started, its like they know. They immediately were in the yard and not itching. So its anecdotal, but Seven seemed to help. We have 3 acres and I only sprayed about 1 in total. Just trying to keep them off the dogs. I may try Seven in the coop and enclosure too.
My girls look very similar to what you describe. I have fricking 4 broodies right now too. Nightmare. Headed to the doctor tomorrow to see if they can help me.
Absolutely! I've seen this. It is very helpful.
We definitely have some sort of tropical fowl mite. I have plenty sitting in the rubber maid cabinet (where all this started) from what I believe was a starling nest. I have dealt with NFM before... these are not the same. They are veracious. I'm still working on trying to get an entomology dept from a college to possibly come out to the property. Sometimes they bring resources with them... if they're interested.
Keeping them in wire cages makes it easy to kill the eggs and mites and treat a few at a time before releasing them in a contained run( until all of them are treated)A hoop coop in a different area of the property may be your only option.
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Keeping them in wire cages makes it easy to kill the eggs and mites and treat a few at a time before releasing them in a contained run( until all of them are treated)A hoop coop in a different area of the property may be your only option.
I agree. I've been treating them every 4-7 days for two months. All the things. we've bathed them all, you name it, we've done it. I have them on exzolt right now, which is amazing!
I am now fighting the environment (coop/enclosure/Our whole property) and the fact they have chosen me as a host. I get within 2 feet of one of these things it's on me and biting me. It's a nightmare
I agree. I've been treating them every 4-7 days for two months. All the things. we've bathed them all, you name it, we've done it. I have them on exzolt right now, which is amazing!
I am now fighting the environment (coop/enclosure/Our whole property) and the fact they have chosen me as a host. I get withini 2 feet of one of these things it's on me and biting me. It's a nightmare
You have to kill the mites soon as they hatch. (Treat hens and coop every 3 days) Waiting 7 days gives them time to have a blood meal and lay more eggs
That's why I'm asking how they got it. The ingredient (Fluralaner) is the same as what's in Bravecto for Dogs and Cats, but that is a chewable or topical (and requiresa Vet script). The product called Exzolt for poultry water does not seem to be available in the U.S., despite research that it is very effective for treating poultry mites (so I'm curious as to how Regann obtained it).
You have to dig... you can order smaller doses from sellers overseas... it is NOT CHEAP. I believe mine ultimately came from Bulgaria. But a little goes a very long way. It's dosed and calculated by water intake over a 24 hour period. All the abstracts I've read, basically state, it's damn near impossible (within reason) to OD the chooks on it. The bigger concern would be under dosing and creating a resistance.
I have my dogs on Nexgard (Fluralaner and afluraner) too, due to these damn things.
I've thought about taking it myself, lol! I've read a few papers on that too!
You have to dig... you can order smaller doses from sellers overseas... it is NOT CHEAP. I believe mine ultimately came from Bulgaria. But a little goes a very long way. It's dosed and calculated by water intake over a 24 hour period. All the abstracts I've read, basically state, it's damn near impossible (within reason) to OD the chooks on it. The bigger concern would be under dosing and creating a resistance.
I have my dogs on Nexgard (Fluralaner and afluraner) too, due to these damn things.
I've thought about taking it myself, lol! I've read a few papers on that too!
Good to know! Thanks for the info! :)
Has anyone tried sulfur? Research shows it’s 99% effective with dusting the birds and then hanging sulfur bags where they bump into it and dust themselves.
Apparently the mites have some super genetic code that makes them immune to permethrin. So back to nature we go and return to the good old ways.
I put sulfur in the dust bath! It doesn't smell great, but it's worth the peace of mind that it's (hopefully) preventing mite/lice infestation. 🤞
I put sulfur in the dust bath! It doesn't smell great, but it's worth the peace of mind that it's (hopefully) preventing mite/lice infestation. 🤞
Well if the mites aren’t moving into your home and hogging the remote … I’d say it’s working better than commercial products. I’ve owned chickens for decades and NEVER seen it so bad. I ordered the sulfur and will be itching until it gets here.

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