Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

That is either a NFM or tropical fowl mite. I have been dealing with them for awhile. It's been awful. Watch the bites on you and be VERY careful of them getting into the house/car. They will absolutely try to find another host in your house. I am living proof. After months of extensive research, speaking to people all over the US (exterminators/entomology depts, etc) and overseas, they absolutely will attack other mammals if given a stronghold. My dogs can attest to this too.
My findings are Europe (Italy/UK) and Australia are light years ahead of us regarding these mites and their abilities to jump species. Though I have found some very knowledgible exterminators out west, down south and the upper NE.
I wish someone would have told me to be more careful. All I ever read was they have no interest in people (wrong) and if they get your house, they'll be dead in 2 or 3 weeks. ALSO VERY WRONG.
Though by the time I knew they were in the house I was a few weeks into an infestation (dogs). We all got them from a birds nest on my patio that was in a cabinet (long story).
Because the damn things like me so much now, I may have to cull my flock. I am heart broken in so many ways. Still trying to just get to winter and possibly be able to keep my birds.
It's hard to find exterminators in the midwest (other than IA) who have experience with shit. So we are pretty much on our own. It's a 100x's worse then having bed bugs. So I've been told by the many I've spoke to over the last 2 months.
This won't work in the majority of coops, but for your house, if you can get and keep the humidity down below 40% for three days, it should kill both the living and shrivel up the eggs. The vast majority of bugs nor their eggs can live below 50% humidity.

Case in point: 20 years or so ago (yes, I'm old) we had a flea infestation and God knows what else from a foster dog. I tried every product known to man for weeks and could not get rid of the bugs. Someone suggested this so we tried it and it worked! Beg, borrow, or steal a couple of dehumidifiers. Take pets and their water dishes out of the house and plug every drain or cover with a tupperware bowl lid. Remove anything in your home that has moisture, including houseplants if you can. We then put on a mask and sprinkled human-grade diatomaceous earth on every floor including drapes. When done, the pets could come back in but not their water. We ate out for three days and kept the house as sealed as we could while the humidity slowly dropped and kept dropping. We got ours down to 35% and we're in WI with an average humidity of 70%.

After 3 days, we vacuumed and washed everything that could be washed in hot water. Funny, but in the basement, we found dead spiders and beetles on the floor and on the washing machine we didn't even know were in there. But that did the trick!
Can anyone tell me what this little critter is? It was flat, light grey/ black..found it crawling on me in the yard near the coop and now I am freaking out hoping I don’t have a mite infestation on my hands. I keep pine shavings in the nesting boxes and sprinkle DE and Saturday night lime in them to help prevent such outbreak. Any thoughts/ideas are appreciated!


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I've done it all, always have.
I've dealt with NFM before and have never been through this. They definitely are are not PRM's. Way too small and stay on the host.
These are unlike anything I've ever dealt with. They are systemic and the birds/me/ and my dogs' ears are the carriers.
I'm starting to worry that somehow we have the same thing going on. I can't really see any mites but we are getting bit by something and I'm running out of options to kill them. I can't slow them down for more than a minute it seems. Have you found a way to get rid of them?

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