Help with sick baby silkies

Amy R

In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2015
Please forgive me if i posted this elsewhere....i cant seem to see where it went. I brought home 2, oneday old,silkies and 2, onemonth old,bigger breeds. I have had them a week. I woke up to find one silkie dead and one on her way:(. I have spent the last 2 hours spoon feeding her sugar water and she went from not being able to lift her head to standing but not eating or drinking on her own. Shes very weak.I have also spent the last two hours researching what i could have done wrong. The last few days i had noticed constant chirping from the two babies. I kept adjusting the heat lamp thinking that was it. Also, one of the older girls seems to have something up with her eyes. She cant seem to keep them open. She is not as chipper as her partner but other wise seems ok. Could she be sick and the little silkies just cant take it? I have the baby seperated but not sure how to proceed from here. Please advice, i have fallen in love with these little silkies:(
Please forgive me if i posted this elsewhere....i cant seem to see where it went. I brought home 2, oneday old,silkies and 2, onemonth old,bigger breeds. I have had them a week. I woke up to find one silkie dead and one on her way:(. I have spent the last 2 hours spoon feeding her sugar water and she went from not being able to lift her head to standing but not eating or drinking on her own. Shes very weak.I have also spent the last two hours researching what i could have done wrong. The last few days i had noticed constant chirping from the two babies. I kept adjusting the heat lamp thinking that was it. Also, one of the older girls seems to have something up with her eyes. She cant seem to keep them open. She is not as chipper as her partner but other wise seems ok. Could she be sick and the little silkies just cant take it? I have the baby seperated but not sure how to proceed from here. Please advice, i have fallen in love with these little silkies:(

I can only give you possibilities. The age difference between the silkies and the bigger breed is too much. They may be bullying the younger birds; keeping them from the water, food, and heat. A chick that is not warm enough will chirp constantly. My advice is to keep the silkies separated from the older chicks. I'm betting you will see a quick improvement once the silkies are on their own. The eye prpblem could be many different things. You might want to put all the chicks on antibiotics.
Thank you for your reply! I wasnt able to get antibiotics but i switched everyone to medicated feed. The little one goes between sleeping to chirping non stop. Poor thing. I have the lamp at 90 degrees. I have a mix of pedialite and b vitamins that i give her drops of from time to time. I havnt seen her eat or drink on her own other than a few bites of the feed. Poor thing. I wish i knew what was causing her so much distress:(
I just wanted to follow up and say thank you. The second chick didn't make it:( I did get 2 more and kept them seperate from the teenagers. After observing runny poops in all of them I took others advice and put everyone on corid. Everyone is doing great! Thank you for taking the time to help me:)

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