Help with sick chick, I'm new

May 24, 2017
I just got my first ever batch of chicks yesterday and yesterday they were all bouncing, drinking, eating, and pooping as expected. Tonight I have one chick that appears to be refusing to move. She did have a pasty butt and once I cleaned that up she was up and about for around ten minutes. Now she is back to sitting. She won't stand or walk. I have her isolated just in case. What is wrong? I have ruled out spradle leg. Any ideas?
They do sleep a lot as chicks, but given she's already had pasty butt, there is something else going on. It's usually not a viral problem when they've just come from a hatchery. Some are just weaker and more susceptible to cold or get pushed away from food and water. I would giver her a little sugar water, dripping some off your finger at the side of the beak will get her to swallow. Water is more important than food for now, and the sugar will give her a little boost of energy. They sell packets of electrolytes for chicks... use that if you have it, or look for a home recipe. I had one with an umbilical hernia that was near death. Sugar water and a lot of attention and TLC for a week or more and she pulled through. 5yrs old now and still laying! Good luck with your chick! Keep her warm.
Thank you so much for the info, I was terrified that it was maricks. She drank quite a bit of water once I isolated her and I'll pick up some electrolytes in the morning. I did give her a small amount of nutridrench in her water so hopefully that will hold her for the night.
Thank you so much for the info, I was terrified that it was maricks. She drank quite a bit of water once I isolated her and I'll pick up some electrolytes in the morning. I did give her a small amount of nutridrench in her water so hopefully that will hold her for the night.
Were the chicks from a large hatchery? Vaccinated? The chick would have had to been exposed and had time to be affected by something like Mareks, so it is unlikely in a new chick.

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