Help! Worms or intestinal shed?


In the Brooder
Jul 10, 2022
We have new chicks that are less than 10 days old. Not sure if they have worms or if this could just be intestinal shed. And what we would need to do. (One also has/had pasty butt. Not sure if that would be related)


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It is intestinal shaped feces, not worms. Besides, they are too young to have worms.
For pasty butt, use an old rag soaked in warm water to soak and gently wipe off the stuck feces. If you see something that looks like a small string sticking out near the vent, do NOT pull it off or out. It will eventually dry up and drop off on its own.
It is intestinal shaped feces, not worms. Besides, they are too young to have worms.
For pasty butt, use an old rag soaked in warm water to soak and gently wipe off the stuck feces. If you see something that looks like a small string sticking out near the vent, do NOT pull it off or out. It will eventually dry up and drop off on its own.
We were thinking maybe they would be too young, I would think it takes weeks for worms to grow the long but we weren’t sure. Lol thanks. As far as the pasty butt goes, we already did exactly that 😊 are you saying the string thing would be intestinal shed or what is it?
The string thing is attached to the chicks innards internally, kind of like a belly button. The string dries up and drops off on its own. If you were to pull it accidently or otherwise, you could unintentionally pull out the chicks innards. It usually drops off on its own a few days after hatching.

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