HELP!! Wrong end pip?!?! (Oh No! Complications!!!)

I know right? It seems that in Canada things are a lot harder to get things that in the States we take for granted.

Lil' Blues throat seems better. She is eating and swallowing so I think that crisis is over!

She seems to ahve learned if she gets up on the feeder, the other birds cant get at her toes lol.
I know right? It seems that in Canada things are a lot harder to get things that in the States we take for granted.

Lil' Blues throat seems better. She is eating and swallowing so I think that crisis is over!

She seems to ahve learned if she gets up on the feeder, the other birds cant get at her toes lol.
It's really strange. I never had a problem getting hold of red lamps, in SA and here. When I went to the hardware store here I got offered a whole unit. Complete with protective guard. Pricey, but good! I haven't burnt myself on it yet! LOL

Oh that's great news! I was so worried about the little one and you had so much drama with her and Yellow, you need a break now!

Clever girl!
I've never hatched chicks, but I think if he's wiggling, he'll be fine.
Wiggling's always a good sign! When they stop moving I get worried. I've been known to wiggle a hatching chick's beak to check
She's nice and comfy in there. I had to learn patience quick with these ducks. My "problem" duckling took nearly 3 full days from external pip to hatching! Now try not to worry for 3 days! The last one is very nearly out and then it's time for the next round. I have a very ambitious bantam trying to hatch 24 eggs, some LF and some bantam. Found her on a hidden nest in the barn, so I'm going to sneak in there tonight and do a quick candle to see what's going on and which eggs needs rescuing.

If our bird would take 24 eggs, we wouldn't have to worry so much about her killing them all.
I won't give a broody any eggs if she's going to kill her chicks. I got 11 of my broody's eggs in the incubator now. Don't know what she was thinking off, taking on so many! She couldn't cover them all and they all seem to be at different stages of development. I will wait and see how many chicks we hatch between me and her.
Blue is good today and so is yellow.

Im worried though, one of the 3 eggs pipped and there was a little blood. Its still wiggling, and chirping and its been an hour...think shes ok?

Bad luck first hatch! Such drama!
don't mean to highjack Blue's thread but have pictures, will try to post, ok, failed at that. But have 4 lavender chicks, beautiful & smart. Waited until this am to remove them from bator, have 18 eggs still in there & they were knocking things around. Sally Sunshine, you were pretty smart, you knew they wouldn't be fluffy last night, I did wait. I got the brooder all set up, preheated the Brinsea & waited until the temp was at 95 to move them. Put them under the brooder, they have been moving in & out, mostly hanging out at the edge but appear comfortable & moving around. I have a light in addition to the brinsea, temp holding at 95+. They sleep then move around & sleep some more, I know those experienced hatchers know this but it's new to me & I just think it is so cool. Everyone I work with knows my chickens by name & Fudge is our office chicken, although she has only appeared there in photos. The one I helped out is huge, I don't think he would have zipped without help but that is a tough call. Thanks again for help, P

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