HELP!! Wrong end pip?!?! (Oh No! Complications!!!)

Blue is good today and so is yellow.

Im worried though, one of the 3 eggs pipped and there was a little blood. Its still wiggling, and chirping and its been an hour...think shes ok?

Bad luck first hatch! Such drama!
She must've hit a vein in the membrane when she pipped. If it's been an hour and she's moving and chirping it's good. I've hit being when I assisted before and they chicks came out of it o.k. As long as the bleeding stops quick. Gosh, these little guys are determined to make you worry!
don't mean to highjack Blue's thread but have pictures, will try to post, ok, failed at that. But have 4 lavender chicks, beautiful & smart. Waited until this am to remove them from bator, have 18 eggs still in there & they were knocking things around. Sally Sunshine, you were pretty smart, you knew they wouldn't be fluffy last night, I did wait. I got the brooder all set up, preheated the Brinsea & waited until the temp was at 95 to move them. Put them under the brooder, they have been moving in & out, mostly hanging out at the edge but appear comfortable & moving around. I have a light in addition to the brinsea, temp holding at 95+. They sleep then move around & sleep some more, I know those experienced hatchers know this but it's new to me & I just think it is so cool. Everyone I work with knows my chickens by name & Fudge is our office chicken, although she has only appeared there in photos. The one I helped out is huge, I don't think he would have zipped without help but that is a tough call. Thanks again for help, P
I will pass it on to Sally
Congrats on the hatch, so far.
Grats Plund! Lets hope they grow up happy and healthy!!

Sumi, she is still wiggling and breathing. A part of the shell fell away and I can see there is a lot of blood inside. The membrane has stuck to her. If the blood dries out stuck to her, will she have trouble?
A lot of blood? Is it still bleeding? Take her out and use a wet Q-tip to clean it u a bit, so you can see how bad it is.If I have a blood situation I wet the area with a little cold water. The chick doesn't thank me for it, but it works.
Ive been dabing water on it, but carefully I dont want to drown her.

If you could imagine the amount, i would say about the size of my pinky nail. To me thats not big, but to her it could be. Shes making loud peeps though.
Well, as long as she's lively it's good. Has the bleeding stopped?
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That's good. I see it's been about 2 hours now since you said she pipped. So now it's wait and
How are the other 2 doing?
The other two are still wiggling and respond to me talking, but no pips yet.

I wonder if all this trouble is because my hens are not quite a year old yet? They are almost a year, at the end of April. I know the guy i got them from has been inbreeding them a bit to get Blue Australorps.
I've hatched eggs from young hens before with very good results. I hear old hens' eggs can cause problems though. And excessive inbreeding can be blamed for infertile eggs, cystic embryos and foot and leg problems. (Sorry, I like researching things) Things like improper turning and incorrect humidity and temperature are often the reason things go wrong, but then even if you do everything exactly right you can still have problems sometimes.

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